The Announcement of Several One-week Trainings in London 伦敦数次一周训练通启

One-week Trainings in London

Dear brothers and sisters,

As previously announced Amana Trust will host several one-week trainings this year. Each training will begin on a Monday and conclude on the following Saturday. There will be four sessions in November 2016 beginning on 31st October, 7th November, 14th November, and 21st November.

The content for each session in the Autumn will differ from previous one-week trainings. The overall theme will be The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. This was the theme of Brother Lee’s book from messages given in 1984 shortly after he completed the Life-study of the New Testament. These training sessions will be very helpful for all the saints throughout Europe regarding each of the four crucial pillars in the Lord’s recovery. We feel that these times will also be appropriate for the saints’ contacts and for seeking ones from the campuses, radio, publications, etc. We encourage all the saints to come in groups as much as possible.

There will be a variety of special meetings. Attendees will spend some time with the FTTL (Full-time Training in London) and its activities and with the brothers and sisters in the church in London or surrounding churches. There will be particular fellowship regarding our daily life before the Lord, practicing the vital groups, entering into the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, fulfilling the Lord’s desire that we all would be fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and developing our function for the building up of the church in our respective localities. There will also be a special outing related to the history of the Lord’s move in Europe.

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