Video: Brief History and Present Situation of the Lord’s Recovery in Australia 主在澳大利亚恢复的简史及现况视频

Dear saints,
We worship the Lord for His mercy, blessing and sovereignty in having the recent ITERO in Australia. What a blessing it has been for the churches in Australia to be under this ministry and to be in the fellowship of the one Body. The serving ones participating in and coordinating together for the various services truly enjoyed the one accord and the Lord’s presence. The LSM serving ones appreciated very much the help rendered to them for this event. Praise the Lord! 
A number of saints have requested for the file of the video presentation at the recent Blending Meeting at Seaworld Convention Centre.
Please find below a link to download the video on the Brief history and Present Situation of the Lord’s Recovery in Australia:
May the Lord keep us on the line of Philadelphia for the consummation of His goal – the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate in the New Jerusalem.
 The serving ones