LMA Newsletter—February 2016 (English-Chinese Version) LMA 二〇一六年二月份通訊(中英雙語版)

During the second half of 2015, the saints propagated in a strong way throughout Bangladesh. The saints resumed breaking bread in Khulna, propagated in new city Cox’s Bazar, and preached the gospel, recovered the saints, and supplied life in every locality. May the Lord gain more of His loving young people and open homes for His move in Bangladesh.

Since the propagation training began in the beginning of 2015, the results have been more than encouraging. Within a few months, a new district meeting was established in Phnom Penh and churches were raised up in Moung Ruessei and Bavet. The propagation goal of this year is to establish golden lampstands in Pailin, Chhuk, Bakong, and Kampong Speu. Please also pray for the translation and distribution of the Rhema books that seekers would be gained.

To read and download the February issue of the LMA newsletter, please go to




