Brother Benjamin Chen Departing to Be with the Lord 陈泽全弟兄离世与主同在

Dear brothers,

With great sadness of heart we announce to you that our dear brother Benjamin Chen went to be with the Lord early this morning (February 21, 2016).  His younger daughter, Serena, and her husband, David, were in town visiting him.  He spent the entire day yesterday in the church meeting hall in fellowship with the saints in various meetings.  He was joyful and seemed very well all day long.  Then he went to be with the Lord early this morning. His older daughter, Sheryl, is flying in later today.  We will update you with details of the arrangements as they become known.


带着巨大的悲痛,我们向你们告知,我们亲爱的陈泽全弟兄于二〇一六年二月21日清晨离世与主同在。当时他的小女儿,Serena 及其丈夫,David正在探访他。昨天一整天,陈泽全弟兄在召会会所的各种聚会里与圣徒们有交通。他很喜乐,一天到晚都很好。而后于今天清晨离世与主同在。他的大女儿,Sheryl 于今天晚些时候会乘飞机过来。我们将会及时更新善后安排细节。