Report of the Gospel Trip to Missoula, Montana & Cheney, Washington and Prayer Burdens- January 28 & 30, 2016 蒙大拿州米苏拉 & 华盛顿州切尼福音旅行及祷告负担报道(二〇一六年一月28日 & 30日)

January 28
Dear saints,
What another wonderful day of preaching the gospel of the kingdom in Cheney, WA! Today, we had so many awesome encounters with such genuine and open people. It really has been a joy to go out door knocking here. Today, three young men at separate times each received Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord! There is such joy in leading someone to the Lord to make them your brother in Christ! The Lord has really been preparing these open vessels as we pray and co-labor with
Him. Another very promising contact moved here from Washington D.C. and is a very seeking believer. The group that visited her described her as “a genuinely crazy lover of Jesus who really knows and really loves His word.” She shared many things with them, many of which were deep spiritual truths such as that “God’s wisdom in a mystery” in 1 Cor. 2:7 is just Christ Himself. (Btw, this is exactly what the footnote says also). They had much encouraging, mutual fellowship with her for over 40 minutes and
she was very interested to come to the meeting of the church, saying she was sick of “Mamby-Pamby Christianity.” What an encouragement to see other seekers of Christ so desperate to know Him even if they’re outside of the recovery! May they be gained fully for God’s building and His true testimony in the churches!
Prayer Burdens:
– That these three newly saved brothers in the Lord would be helped to grow in the Lord through the care and shepherding of the saints.
– That the desperate and seeking ones in the city of Cheney could be brought into the central lane of God’s economy within the church.
January 30
Dear saints,
What a wonderful week it has been in Cheney, WA! Yesterday (Friday), we spent more time overflowing and enjoying the Word at the Bible study on campus and then we read the ministry material to prepare for the college meeting which was that night, so we did not go out door- knocking that day. But regardless, we were so encouraged by the number of warm, open people we met in just four days of being here. We met 23 solid contacts for the saints in Cheney to follow up with. Three of those contacts were ones who received the Lord with us at their doors. Praise the Lord for the preaching of the gospel by visitation!
Prayer Burdens:
– That the 23 new contacts would be fed and could grow in the Lord to become precious materials for His building work.
– That the students here in Eastern Washington (EWU, WSU, etc.) would continue to pursue Christ and gain Christ in the Body, with the Body, and for the Body.
Source: beseeching