Update of the Gospel Trip to Menifee, California (January 26 & 27, 2016) 加州门尼菲福音旅行(二〇一六年一月26日至27日)

Praise the Lord for the 2nd day of distribution on MSJC. Today we gave out 33 Bibles. Several students requested for Bible study when they received the Bible. We had our first appointment with a student who received a Bible yesterday. We had lunch with him and his younger sister. There are also two future appointments tomorrow and on Thursday with two other students. In tonight’s prayer meeting, over 20 saints came to pray for the Lord’s move on MSJC campus. There is a burden of starting a club and restoring 5 dormant students who are children of the saints. There is also a burden of having more young couples and full-timers. Let us pray to bind the strong man and plunder his house for the Lord to gain building materials from this campus.
January 27
The Lord is moving on the third day of distribution on MSJC campus. Seven local saints joined us today in distribution. One of them is a brother relatively new in the church life and currently unemployed. His participation was an encouragement and support to us. Today we gave out 42 Bibles and contacted more than 50 people. One prayed to receive the Lord. We had two more appointments with Bible recipients and there are going to be five more appointments tomorrow. Several students are willing to come for Saturday dinner. The Lord is bringing open ones to us. O Lord, gain some solid contacts during these two weeks.
Prayer Burdens:
• Please pray for the follow-up of Bible recipients on the campus and continue to pray for the distribution at MSJC.
• Please pray for the local saints’ participation and the one accord.