巴黎聖徒請求代禱的交通 Fellowship concerning the Request of Prayer from the Saints in Paris


巴黎聖徒請求代禱的交通:許多弟兄姊妹剛好去倫敦訓練。一位外交人員的妻子被困在3區(市中心),昨晚多位姊妹們迫切為她禱告。目前聖徒們平安情形還在回報中。謝謝妳們。我們實在需要代禱。今天有比利時特會,許多聖徒要驅車前往。許多聖徒依然需要外出工作…… 謝謝你們的關心!我也是從你們那兒才知道巴黎發生這恐怖攻擊事件。我們目前都安全,大部分聖徒也都住在外省,只是週末的小排與擘擘聚會在巴黎市區,請求大家繼續代禱

Fellowship concerning the request of prayer from the saints in Paris: A great deal of brothers and sisters just went to London for training. The wife of a diplomat was trapped in the 3 rd District (the center of Paris), then a few sisters desperately prayed for her last night. Currently, the situation regarding whether the saints are in peace or not is still under report. Thank you all. We really need you to pray for us. Today there is the conference in Belgium, where many saints would drive the automobile to go. Many saints still need to go out to work…Thank you for your caring! From you, I just knew the information that the terror attack had happened in Paris. So far, we all are safe. A large amount of saints live in other provinces, they just went to the downtown of Paris to attend the small group meeting and Lord’s table meeting on weekends. Please continue to pray for us!

虽然今天下午约好的读经小组… 晚上说好的排聚会… 都没有了,但只是推迟到下周。神的国是不能震动的,也越来越真实了,赞美主!我们爱祂,我们也更珍惜身边的人,更爱人。

After waking up from sleep with an unknown nightmare, I, with the sisters in our home, continued to watch the newest update of the terror attack in Paris, and greeted the saints if they were in peace.

Two sisters, trapped in the place near which the terror attack took place, have been staying overnight and waiting outside the bar until 4:00 a.m when they were taken home by car. Even the local lambs (new believers) took initiative to connect with us that they asked us if they could meet us, for they wanted to pray for Paris and desperately cared for our security as well.

Although we have an appointment of RSG this afternoon…and an arrangement of group meeting this evening, all these have gone. We have to delay these matters to the next week. God’s kingdom is unshakable, and also increasingly real. Praise the Lord! We love Him, more treasure the people around us and love them as well. ( translated from Sherry Hsu FB)