May the Lord gain this new family for His testimony in Pakistan

Report of Brother Hiram and Sister Monica’s Wedding

Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has

come, and His wife has made herself ready. ( Rev. 19:7)

21st July was really an unforgettable day, on this day we held the wedding ceremony for our

dear brother Hiram and dear sister Monica. More than 150 saints include their relatives joined this

ceremony with us, full of glory and rejoice.

Brother Hiram had the burden for the Lord’s move in this Country, he also had the wish

before that he can marry with one local sister here, so that his wife can be the helper to him for

the Lord’s work in this Country. It is because of this burden and lots of prayers, through the

burdened aged saints in the church, the Lord prepared this sister Monica for him. This sister and

her family were quite open to God, fear God and have the pure heart for the truth. Sister Monica

also had the service in their church, went out to contact the people with her companions through

door knocking, it is also by the door knocking she got to know one sister, and through this sister

the Lord arranged this marriage, Praise the Lord!

In another hand, their marriage was quite difficult, like the spiritual warfare. This is not

because of their languages and cultures are different, the main thing we discussed for quite a long

time is that how to hold this wedding ceremony. In this country, the wedding at least lasts for 3

days, there must be the Pastor who will hold the wedding, as well as lots of the traditional

functions, if anyone doesn’t do his marriage according to this traditional way, all their relatives will

not happy, it will be very shameful to their family also.

For preparing this wedding, all the serving ones had lots of fellowships and prayers. We were

not fighting with any person, but fighting against the tradition and religion in this country. We

determined that there will be no any space and ground for the tradition and religion, the marriage

must be the pure testimony of Christ and the Church. Because of this, there were lots of

fellowships with the sister’s parents and the saints who introduced this marriage, as well as their

pastor in their church. Finally, they agreed with it.

On the wedding day, there were no dancing, no special music, no anything was according to

what they did in the previous weddings’ functions, but there were full of the words of God, full of

the testimonies concerning Christ the church. More than 50 saints also came to support us and

strengthen the meeting (15 saints from Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Kasur, and more than

35 saints from Karachi). The wedding is simple but holy, full of the heavenly rejoice.

After the wedding we also contacted with sister’s family concerning their relatives’ response

toward the wedding. Her family testified that they are so blessed this time, most of their relatives

enjoyed such a wedding very much, some young sisters also had the desire that in the future they

also will have their wedding in this way. Even her father’s some Muslim friends also said that this is

the real Christian’s wedding, the Christian wedding should be held in this way. We praise and

thank the Lord that He preserved some people to stand with Him to against this corrupted religion

world, to become the testimony of Jesus, and to be the pattern to others. May the Lord gain this

new family for His move in this country.