Report on the Seminar in Prague, Czech Republic

On 13 June 2015 we had our 6th seminar in the series of 6 seminars. The topic was “The Vision of the Glorious Church.” The content of the seminar was based on the book The Glorious Church. We spoke on the matter of four women in the Bible—Eve in Genesis 2, the wife (the church) in Ephesians 5, the woman in the vision in Revelation 12, and wife of the Lamb in Revelation 21. We considered how these four women are related to the believers and the church. The atmosphere of the seminar was pleasant. 13 saints and 5 new ones attended. Two of the new ones attended this seminar series for the first time. The new sister who had attended previous seminars, traveling from a distant town about 170 km outside of Prague, came again to this seminar. There is a feeling among us to continue the seminars in some way. This also was shared with the attendees at the seminar. We are so thankful for the prayer support of the Body. As a direct result of the seminars a very good connection has been established with the sister from outside of Prague, with a brother who lives close to Prague, and with one couple from Prague. The sister who came from about 170 km east of Prague will arrange a time of fellowship in her town with some other seeking believers whom she knows. This will probably be in second half of July. We would like to continue with the seminars in September and perhaps even try to have some seminars in other cities. Much Grace to you, The serving ones in Prague