Purchasing a meeting hall for the church in East Los Angeles

For your fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel we would like to share with you

some encouraging fellowship regarding the purchase of a meeting hall.

Background: The church in East L.A began in 1991with five families. Throughout the years the

church steadily grew to about 60 saints through the exercise and practice of the God Ordained

Way. However, a season of testing came in from 2001-2004 and decreased the number of saints

to about 20. But God, who is rich in mercy (Eph. 2:4), reached us! In 2009, through much prayer,

fellowship and blending with the West San Gabriel Valley (WSGV) churches the Lord was able

to usher us afresh into the healthy teachings and practice of the God Ordained Way.

Consequently, the church has steadily increased with over 70 saints and 15 children meeting


Opportunity: East Los Angeles is 97% Hispanic, composed primarily of Mexican immigrants.

Close to half of the residents are below, or at poverty level. Only about 50% of the residents hold

a high school diploma. Nevertheless, these social challenges present a great opportunity to more

aggressively announce the year of Jubilee.

The Practical Need: Currently on Lord’s Day, we meet at the Bibles for America (BFA)

distribution center (DC) in the city of Commerce. The DC has allowed us to have multiple events

that in turn have facilitated much of the increase we have today. We are extremely grateful and

indebted to the Lord and BFA for this. However, because the DC is a warehouse, there has been a

growing concern for the safety of the saints and children. This has lead to much fellowship and

prayer concerning the purchase of a meeting hall.

Meeting Hall: In fellowship with the churches in the WSGV the Lord has opened up a door for

us to purchase a meeting hall. As of 5/11/2015 we opened escrow on a wonderful property. The

property consists of 3 different buildings on two adjacent parcels with a total of 13,494 sq. ft. The

first building consists of a main banquet hall, approximately 2,400 sq. ft. It is able to fit over 300

saints. A second building of approximately 1,000 sq. ft. and includes a kitchen and will primarily

be used for children’s meetings. It can host over 30 children. Lastly, the third building is a two

story home with 4 bedrooms, and 2-bath, approximately 1,600 sq. ft. The plan is to rent this home

to saints in order to generate financial support to cover a fraction of the mortgage payment. For

pictures please refer to the attachment on this letter.

Purchase Price and Cheerful Giving: The purchase price for the property is $735.000. The

church in East LA meeting hall fund is 130,000. However, towards this end the churches in the

WSGV have graciously donated over 150,000. Leaving us with a shortage of 455,000. Moreover,

it seems good to us to open up this matter to the churches in Southern California in order to

participate in the fellowship unto the furtherance of gospel. We would appreciate it if donations

can be given before June 21, 2015. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen.

How to give:

Please mail:

The Church in East Los Angeles

734 ½ S. La Verne ave.

Los Angeles CA. 90022

Or by electronic wire transfer:

Wells Fargo Account #: 7655646300

Wire Transfer Routing #: 121000248