The end of 2015 Spring Midwestern BfA tour

BfA’s Midwest tour concluded after distributions across five states and 15 college campuses. Staff members enjoyed a sweet blending with the saints in each locality as they coordinated together to carry out distributions and shared lunches, dinners, singing, and fellowship.

The team visited Ashland University, Central State University, Wright State University, and University of Cincinnati in Ohio, and Indiana University Bloomington in Indiana.  The Lord operated through the prayers of the saints to pave the way for each distribution, sometimes clearing inclement weather and sometimes overcoming administrative obstacles. The people who came to the tables were so warm and grateful, happy to meet the saints on their campuses and eager to receive the Bible. Below are some highlights:

The team was encouraged to hear of several Ashland University football players already meeting together to read the New Testament Recovery Version. Many students there had received a New Testament Recovery Version from a previous distribution held by the local saints.

A cafeteria worker at Central State University directed students to the BfA table from her cash register, telling them, “You need that Bible!” She also sent her supervisor over to receive a Bible. After reading Hebrews 12:2 and a footnote on Jesus being the greatest attraction in the universe, he exclaimed, “I’ve never seen a Bible like this!”

Please pray that the Lord would go before the saints and prepare many hearts to receive His Word in Illinois and Michigan.  May the Word of the Lord run and be glorified in the Midwest!

  • Pray that the Lord would continue to operate in each recipient and cause them to open and enjoy the free materials they received.
  • Pray also for the bountiful supply to the saints in the Midwest as they follow up with students who expressed an interest in being contacted again.

We’ve come to the end of this BfA tour. Thank you Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan for the Midwestern hospitality! We pray for all of the Bibles that went out this week and for everyone we met.

If you weren’t able to come out and meet us but would like to receive a free Bible, you can order one at and we will mail one to you for free. May His Word continue to spread in this country! ‪#‎bfatour‬‪#‎freebible‬ ‪#‎biblesforamerica‬

Bibles for America's photo.

Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI. We’re outside of Zumberge hall giving away free Bibles and Christian books. #‎bfatour‬ ‪#‎freebible‬ ‪#‎gvsu‬