UBC Christian students website and bible study

Group Bible Study

We have a weekly in-depth Bible study on the campus covering many aspects of the truths in the Bible. Please come and enjoy the Word of God with other seeking students. All are welcome.

Location: SUB 207/209
Time: Every Thursday 12:30-1:30pm (starting January 08)
Topic: The Experience of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph (Genesis 22-50)

Individual Bible Studies

Dive into the Word with a fellow believer at a flexible time and location that fits your schedule.

Small Groups

During the week, we get together on the campus and in homes to fellowship, pray, sing, and enjoy the Lord in His Word.


We also gather weekly in a larger way for dinner, rejoicing, singing, praying, reading, and fellowshipping to pursue the Lord together.

College Retreats

Twice a year, we come together with other students from different universities to have a weekend retreat. We study the Bible, fellowship, and have great times of singing and enjoying the Lord!

Contact Us

Call or e-mail us anytime for more information about Christian Students.

(604) 773-4343
(604) 250-8470
