GTCA gospel move to Eugene, Oregon

Salem, OR
February 1
We spent the weekend blending with the saints in Eugene, Oregon. We went to the University of Oregon and passed out over 70 tracts, 4 Bibles, and prayed with 3 people to receive the Lord while on the gospel. The students were very open and friendly and willing to listen to our sharing. The second day we set up a table for a BFA distribution on campus and even though the weather was cold, 27 Bibles were given to students and several of them were open to being contacted again. We also joined four ongoing appointments and the campus Bible study. That night there was a time with the young people from Eugene and surrounding localities. We had an enjoyable time singing with them and sharing our testimonies concerning our experience and enjoyment from the FTTA as an encouragement. The third day we had a joint table meeting with several localities in Oregon where we again had the privilege to blend with many saints from Oregon. We also had the opportunity to give a brief report of our trip and encourage the saints concerning the gospel by familiarizing them with the current distribution materials.
Prayer burdens:
 Pray for the saints in Eugene to be built up and strengthened for the Lord’s testimony.
 Pray for the saints in their follow up with the contacts from the Bible distribution as well as with their existing contacts.
 Pray for the Lord to add to the church in Eugene.