Gospel trip to Slovakia, central Europe


January 24

Our first day arriving in Slovakia filled our heart with warmth and burden for the Lord’s move in central continental Europe. Two hours after arriving, we went to Brno, a major city in Eastern Czech Republic. The saints from Prague, Brno, Luhačovice, and two cars of trainees and saints from Bratislava met together there. The faces of the saints were so full of joy and many declared a sentence or two more than once, each proclaiming with gleeful expressions that “Jesus is Lord”, “Jesus is the living water”—shining faces expressing Christ. This blending time is no doubt an opportunity afforded by the Lord for the saints to enjoy one another’s portion as it doesn’t happen often. Even flying to Slovakia, our flight got delayed and we even had to change planes. Some saints also could not make it due to car troubles. The enemy is definitely is not happy with the building up that is taking place among the saints here. The prophesying time was on the HWMR Genesis (3) Week 33 on “Blessing.” We trainees particularly felt strongly that we just need to speak out and bless the saints with the Christ we enjoy. Our being here is simply to be in the fellowship of life, to receive from and to bless others with the divine life, as each of us are being made God in life and nature, the ones who can only bless others. After the meeting refreshments were provided. We were very happy to see that the saints lingered around for much longer, not just for eating but also very much for fellowship and encouragement. We even had to be ushered out of the place we are using. Praise the Lord for the reality of 2 Cor. 13:14. January 25 This morning we had a glorious table meeting testifying the oneness of the saints from Vienna, Bratislava and Prievidza. 28 saints plus 4 children gathered. Quite a few saints shared on each day’s portion from HWMR in both Slovak and English. We are all very impressed with what the Lord has done in their lives to produce such functioning members, given that most of them have only been in the church life for a few years or even less than a year. A governing vision does everything! Numbers 6:23-26 put together with Jacob’s experience showed us clearly that as God’s children we can experience God the Father who keeps us under the dispensing and out of all evil, God the Spirit who shepherds us all the days of our life, and God the Son who redeems us! Afterwards, we had a lovely love feast where the saints lingered to eat and feast both physically and spiritually. The saints then took some time to take us to see Central Bratislava. While sightseeing we were also able to fellowship and learn more about one another. One brother was able to tell us part of his testimony and opened up his burden about a fellow brother’s condition, leading us to pray for him. It was a sweet time of blending and building in a human and practical way. Praise the Lord for the practical church life!

Prayer burdens:  The saints from the churches in Czech Republic and the church in Bratislava will be strengthened to fight the enemy to make it to the blending times.  Strengthen the saints in Prague to be able to receive trainees and saints in the future.  There will be order in the future blending meetings such that the dispensing of Christ through the prophesying of the saints can be ministered to each other and impart clear vision of Christ and the church.  The trainees will be blended with each other and with the saints in Bratislava without any hindrance of language.  The softening and opening of a brother’s heart toward to the Lord