FTTA gospel trip to Wickliffe, Ohio

Wickliffe, Ohio

January 24

Greetings from Wickliffe, Ohio! Praise the Lord we have arrived to Wickliffe, Ohio! The time here

has been glorious. We started with much fellowship and enjoyment in the word and coordination. Today

we had orientation and we got to know many of the local saints. Many prayers were offered to consecrate

this week to the Lord so that He will have a way to gain what He is after for His testimony here on

Wickliffe. Many college students currently attending Cleveland State University (CSU) and Case Western

Reserve University (CWRU) joined us in the second orientation and are so excited for the GTCA time


Prayer burdens:

 Tomorrow we will be having our first gospel activity; we are going door knocking. Please pray for

this time that the Lord would gain the many sons of peace, and that Satan will be put to shame in

this city. Also pray that that the weather will not hinder this time tomorrow.

 There is a couple who recently got recovered into the church life and are burden for their son to

be baptized. Tomorrow his friend is having a birthday party and this couple is burdened that their

son’s friend will also get baptized.

 Also pray for the two major campus CSU and CWRU hence we will be installing tables for the

whole week and that many will come to the table to get their free Recovery Version.

 Lastly pray that the Lord will bless us with much coordination by bringing us into the one accord

for this time here in Wickliffe.