2015 January issue of the LMA newsletter

Some brothers from the Philippines visited the United Arab Emirates in August of 2014 and witnessed the vitality and progress of the churches there. Many saints who initially migrated there for work now testify that it was indeed the Lord’s sovereign arrangement that led them there for the glorious testimony of Jesus. Two brothers from Rhema Literature Distributors also visited Nepal last October. Seven Rhema booklets in Nepalese are being proofread right now. By May or June of this year they will be ready for print and for free distribution.

The saints in Turkey joyfully report their contact with a group of Christians in the south-western city of Muğla, who do not belong to any denomination and do not take any name for themselves. They simply call themselves the church in Muğla. They receive all genuine believers and practice home meetings, in which everyone speaks for the Lord. The saints in Turkey are burdened to bring this group into the unique fellowship of the universal Body of Christ and the riches of the ministry of the age.

To read and download the January issue of the LMA newsletter, please go tohttp://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/E-2015-01.pdf