Update for November from Bangladesh – 2014

Dear brother and sister,
Eph.4:16 Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being
knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the
operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the
Body unto the building up of itself in love.
We thank the Lord for His leading in the past month. Through saints’
intercession and churches all-sufficient supply, our Lord more and
more working here for His moving.

From 10th November to 28th November 5 oversea brother and sisters
propagation here, through visited different area, brother and sisters
received the burden willingly to consecrate themselves to the Lord,
for His move in Asia.
After on 16th to 20th November Brother New Man and Brother Duan came
here. We together propagation in Dinajpur the Northern part of
Bangladesh. The local people welcome us and open to gospel preaching
very much. May the holy spirit through brothers’ speaking gain the
seeking ones in the village.
Concerning our four families, one family stay in Chittagong and three
families stay in Dhaka. We often move to other area for short time
training and shepherding. We enjoying the summer training morning
revival message 5 now. Every Saturday we four brothers pray and
fellowship together, we have more time to pursue truth
together.Through two brothers’ fellowship with us, really is a timely
help to us. We more focus on the young people work and language study.
Now the two new families are learning step 3 of Bangla.
Our Visa have small problem, difficult to get long-term visa. Please
pray for our visa, our living and propagation here.
In Christ
Serving ones in Bangladesh