The Mid-week training in New Taipei City

Issuing in truth-pursuit and gospel-visitation weekly

With the necessary administrative adjustment, former 29 townships combined into one whole city, called the New Taipei City in December, 2010. And according to the biblical teaching of“one city, one church”, the previous 24 local churches were miraculously consolidated into one Church of New Taipei City overnight. The service brothers not only put down regional way of thinking, but also would like to lead all the saints to follow and experience the “oneness”in a practical way.

So, in order to let the saints from different localities have the opportunities to mingle together and get into the abundance of truth, we end up with the burden of mid-week training.

Mid-week training has been takes place for 3 and one half years, totally for 7 terms. Due to the admiration from the saints and their willingness to pay the price, the number of the attendee increases rapidly from 70 for the first term to current 462 for now. We praise the Lord for his mercy. Now I’d like to share some points to you all:

Firstly, the training takes place for 3 months in half of the year. We come together in the morning on every Wednesday. The curriculum includes: (A) through PSRP, we enter the abundance of the ministry in every message. Every Wednesday, there are 5 saints prophesying and the teacher evaluating, we practice prophesying in the meeting. (B) Every term we get into one book of the Bible and 1-2 spiritual publications, through this pursuit, saints gradually be constituted. (C) then, bring what we heard in this training into personal prayer, we experience the shining and supply from God.

Secondly, we also design a check list for the attendees. We check ourselves the dressing, punctuality, attendance, and the submission of prophesying draft. Besides those, the check list includes some spiritual practice such as: morning revival every day、preaching gospel 3 hours a week , previewing the reading, prophesying in the Lord’s day meeting, parting with other attendees. We also provide many awards to encourage the attendees.

Thirdly, besides normal curriculum, we also invite the elderly co-workers to share a specific topic to us once a term. Between the different terms we provide one trip to visit other locality, sometimes oversea trip, which broadens our view and see the move of the Lord.

Such mid-week training, every attendee enjoy the Lord more, preach the gospel more, prophesy more, pursue with their companions more. They eventually become the model of the saints which move their locality forward. They bring in the atmosphere of pursuing the truth, preaching gospel weekly, mingling to be one, building up the body of the Christ and caring the whole world move of the Lord. Praise the Lord, May His blessing on these vital practices continually and abundantly.