Carrying Out Successfully The Infrastructure Of The Gospel —Hall 6 , The Church In Taipei

Gospel harvesting meeting in hall 6 Taipei – nov 1 from MSW on Vimeo.

According to the revelation of God, the God ordained way includes four parts: bearing , nourishing,
teaching, and building. These parts could be fulfilled by four items: gospel, home meeting ,group
meeting ,and district. So far, the infrastructure of group and district was well-structured relatively,
while the infrastructure of gospel and the home meeting was not. Thus, since 2009 Chinese speaking
conference, the church in Taiwan set a common goal that there should be ten thousands young people
got saved each year. And this purpose should be reached mainly by gospel preaching, especially by
outdoor preaching. Thus , since that time, the hall 6 of the church in Taipei took the lead to practice
it, and brings in a great effect until now.
Since 2009 to 2014 ,during the five years ,the numbers of the saints there to attend the Lord’s table
meeting increased from 180 to 250. It grows almost 40 percentage. There are five main points to
unveil the secret of how could they blessed so much:
1. The responsible ones take the lead to go out :
They set up a good pattern that no matter how the weather is ,or how many saints go out with them,
they still go out to preach steadfastly and faithfully.
2. The saints there go out to preach the gospel every week:
Because the responsible ones set up a good pattern, they closely followed them. In addition, there
was an semiannual outdoor service blending. In this blending, the leading ones released the burden to
all the saints , encouraging them to preach the gospel every weak. So ,the saints could be
strengthened and firmed again and again. In 2009, there were approximately 35 saints go out to
preach the gospel every week on average. While in 2013, the numbers increased from 35 to 70. It
causes the numbers of baptized in a year increased from about 40 to 90.
3. They perfect the young working saints to function:
Because there were many young people to be baptized ,and each district have a group meeting for
young working saints, there were more saints could be shepherd well and be perfected to function.
Furthermore, they also practice going out to preach the gospel after the meeting was finished on the
Lord’s day.
4. They balanced both sowing and reaping on baptism:
They held gospel meeting twice a week on Saturday evening. There were about 150 people attended,
and there were 30 gospel friends among them. When the meeting was ending ,unless the friends were
willing to be baptized, they would not force them to do. Instead, they would brought them come
close to the baptism pool, watching the baptized one. And they would invite them to come again.
Besides , they would sent the text massage to take care of them in daily life.
5. They also make good use of “Line” :
They used line to concern and encourage the recent situation of how to get more people with each
Revitalizing Effectively The Infrastructure Of The Home Meeting
—Hall 6 , The Church In Taipei
To recover the infrastructure of the home meeting is the urgent need for us as well. Brother. Lee said
that we should bring the church life into homes because the lifeline of the church‘s propagation is
rooted in the practice of the home meeting. So ,we should fulfill that every saints have home meeting
in their home, even the weak ones and the ones who have not been to the meeting for a long time.
In the past , the way our practice in the Lord’s recovery was always trying to bring the saints to the
meeting hall. However , it resulted that the numbers of the saints were decreased gradually. To
overturn this situation , all the saints should be perfected to practice the home meeting. If we could
visit at least three people three times a week steadfastly, we would see something positive things
happens. So, it is the vision for us to practice the home meeting.
In hall 6, the numbers of saints attending the Lord’s meeting is about 250, and there were about 168
saints attend group meeting, and about 143 saints practiced home meeting. By the semiannual
outdoor service blending, they receive the burden for practicing the home meeting. Besides , they use
any time to go out, and each time they visit a home took about 20 minutes. Because the time was not
long ,it is easy to be invited to come again.
the material is the booklets for the shepherding the new ones, which were drew on the messages from
brother Nee and brother Lee ,contained six series, that is:
1 the high-quality of the gospel.
2 the living after being saved.
3 believing and obeying
4 spirit and life
5 acknowledging the truth
6 church life
So far, they were practice the home meeting steadfastly, and there were about 230 saints both who
went out to practice home meeting and whom were be set up home meeting in their home.