Brief history of Lord’s move in McKinney, Prosper, Frisco and Allen

mckinney meeting hall

God’s Economy is to dispense Christ, as the embodiment of God, into God’s chosen people in order to produce a Body to be the increase of God’s embodiment in Christ, that God may have a corporate expression.

Matthew 28:19  Go 1therefore and 2disciple all the anations, 3baptizing them 4into the 5name of the 6Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Mark 16:15  And He said to them, Go into all the aworld and 1proclaim the gospel to 2ball the creation

Luke 24:47  And that repentance for 1aforgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His bname to all the cnations, beginning from dJerusalem

John 12:24  Truly, truly, I say to you, aUnless the grain of wheat 1falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears 2bmuch fruit

John 15:16   You did not choose Me, but I achose you, and I 1set you that you should 2go forth and bbear fruit and 3that your fruit should 4remain, that whatever you 5cask the Father in My name, He may give you

Acts 1:8   But you shall 1receive apower when the Holy bSpirit comes 2upon you, and you shall be My 3cwitnesses both in Jerusalem and in all dJudea and eSamaria and unto the futtermost part of the earth

We are here to cooperate and to be one with the ascended Christ for God’s economy and to be the continuation of Book of Acts for His increase, enlargement and spread to bring Him back.

Brief history of Lord’s move in McKinney, Prosper, Frisco and Allen (MPFA)

2004 – Construction of the Plano new meeting hall for the purse of (fellowshipped with brother Benson)

  1. To have English speaking meeting
  2. For the increase and spread (mainly to the north, at the time of fellowship we know no one in the north)

Later a family in McKinney who had been meeting with the church in Irving for a few years found us.

2005 –  Received Certificate of Occupancy of the Plano new meeting hall, English speaking meeting started

2006  – February,  Brother B and his wife were recovered by the Lord, through the prayer of the saints in Tulsa and general prayer of the church in Plano for the increase, after more than 12 years outside of normal church life.

Fall, Home meeting for saints in McKinney and Allen and UTD students started in Fairview at                Brother B’s home.

2008 – Fall, Brother B and his wife migrate to greater Tulsa, OK area for strengthening the testimony there. A brother opened his home and coordinate with another brother, who moved to Plano through fellowship in the Body, to care for the saints in MPFA area.

2009  – Collin County Community College (CCCC) Christian on Campus club formed, J’s family was gained through shepherding after more than 10 years outside of normal church life.

A brother opened his small house on Monday night to invite their children’s friends and gained several family.  Started looking for potential meeting hall site.

2010 –  1 home meeting in Frisco, 2 home meetings in McKinney (Spanish and English)

2011 – MPFA prayer meeting and prophesy meeting started

2012 – District 5 formed, 4 home meetings in MPF area, quarterly district blending meeting reaches 90+ including YP and children. 3 families migrated from Plano to McKinney.

2013 – District 5 started meeting in La Quinta Inn in McKinney 50+ saints meeting on LD, 5 home meetings in MPFA area, signed contract to purchase a 4050 sqft property in McKinney, (looked 13 sites before finding this one)

2014 – New McKinney meeting hall completed and received Certificate of Occupancy on 6/6/2014.

October, there are 110 saints (18 yr and older) live in MPFA area and 72 out of 110 are active (attend LD meeting at least once a month).

In summary, it is solely Lord’s doing through the prayer of the church, migration and/or relocation of the saints, mutual shepherding and opening home to care for the YP. May all the glory be to Him.