What is the Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA) Like?

Are you wondering what the Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA) is like? Do you know someone who is going to the Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA)? Are you concerned for them because you’re not sure what it is or what exactly they’ll do there? It’s understandable to be wary of the unknown and our mind can quickly fabricate concepts about things, especially about things we aren’t familiar with. So, it helps to hear from people who have been there/done that.

This is why I’d like to share some personal testimonies from Christians who themselves have attended the Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA).

Testimony #1 from the Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA)

I just wanted to share a little bit about my experience here in the training because it’s super different knowing about it and being exposed to it than it is actually being in it.

Well, it’s everything and nothing like everyone has described it. But I just have to say that I’m really blessed and privileged to be here and I’m really, really happy to be here. I get worried because I’m so behind in the readings and memorizations (story of my life) but the Lord just comes to me to gently remind me why I’m here and encourages me.

Which brings me to one of my top enjoyments. In our first orientation, the brothers shared a lot about the training with us but the main word I took it away from it was open. Sometimes it feels like the training asks a lot of us but actually, they’re just asking us to be open to what the Lord has in store for us. So maybe I can’t be the best memorizer or the best gospel preacher, but I can choose to be open. So when I don’t feel like waking up in the morning, I remember I told the Lord I would be open. When I don’t feel like giving up my study time to clean bathrooms, I remember I told the Lord I would be open. When I get scared to be on campus, I remember I told the Lord I would be open. Giving ourselves to simply be open to Him can go a very long way.

And He has been faithful to remind me of our conversation, and praise Him, I’m still here and everything has been so enjoyable.

via What is the Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA) Like? Testimonies from Christians Who Have Attended the FTTA | Grace and Reality.