Thessaloniki, Greece – August 2014

Greetings from Thessaloniki, Greece! We completed our move here on the 11th of August when the moving company delivered all our belongings to our new home. We have since been setting up our household, getting to know our new surroundings, and meeting with the saints. Last Lord’s day, the 24th, we had a little meeting in our home with the other family that moved here earlier and a meal afterwards with one of our contacts. In addition, during this week we had our first “drop in” meeting and a home meeting with some of our contacts, also in our home. We have been encouraged with these normal, living activities and are looking to the Lord that they would continue and even increase now that the Lord has two households in this city.

In the coming months we will be attending some important conferences taking place in the region. The first will be on the island of Cyprus and the following weekend in Sofia, Bulgaria. We believe and pray that the Lord would use these conferences to encourage the saints in these places, connect and blend them together with saints from the surrounding countries, and impart a further vision of the Lord’s heart desire that would govern, direct, and bring them forward. Please pray for this and that the Lord would cover all the needs to carry out these conferences.

We again cannot stress how thankful we are for your prayers. We really have the sense that we have been sent here and are here with you all. May the Lord’s will be done through His body moving to Thessaloniki!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all (2Thess.3:18),

R and J