Recent Update from Jaffna, Sri Lanka

God’s move in Jaffna.

Grace is God in Christ as the Spirit wrought into our being for our enjoyment to be everything to us and to do everything in us, through us, and for us so that He can become the constituent of our being for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem.
Last month we really enjoyed the grace of Christ by prayer, from 1st to 10th June we had the prayer for Jaffna campus every morning 1 hour per day with one local serving one, we believe that the Lord can open this campus and gain a group of young people through our petition.

In June we got into the first week of New believer MR every Thursday evening, we brought all the students to know that God is Spirit, we have human spirit, and we can touch and worship God in our spirit. Our spirit is the center of our being, we helped them to exercise and release the spirit through pray-reading, singing and speaking with one another, they all were very happy and enjoyed very much. Two new ones(first year students) came to our Bible study last month, one is seeking one, and the other one is Hindu, they came every time, may the Lord continue to work in them and bring them to full salvation for God’s purpose. They will have vacation and go back home in July, we have the burden to visit their houses during this time, so that we can have more fellowship with them and also can gain some families for the preparation of raising up the Lord’s testimony in their city.

We also had the church love feast on 29th ,Lord’s day, 22 saints including 6 university students attended this meeting. In this meeting all the saints coordinated together and functioned organically, every saint was very responsible and full of joy, praise the Lord for the church life in Jaffna.

Two brothers from Taiwan already came to Sri lanka, they will come to Jaffna this weekend, and we will have one month intensified propagation for Jaffna campus from 12th July to 11th August, thanks the Lord for the supply from the Body, may the Lord release 3 key persons and 20 new ones through our prayer and coordination in this month.

Please continue to pray for us.
Much grace be with you all, Amen!