Russian website for free New Testament Recovery Version Bible and ministry books
“The collector of the biblical book” is located in Moscow, ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, d. 36, a business center “Amber Plaza” (service entrance №4 from 1st Schemilovskiy lane). Nearest metro station – Novoslobodskaya.
You can call us by phone +7 (495) 780-57-94 , extension 6132 . Please call during business hours (Monday through Friday) from 10:00 to 17:00 Moscow time.
Address: 127473, Moscow, p / 52, “the Bible book collector.”
To pay using your bank or postal money order, as well as to transfer the donations you can use our bank details:
BIN 1027739493880, INN 7736120405, KPP 770701001
p / cq. 40703810577000000106
Branch of OJSC “Bank” Saint Petersburg “in Moscow
core / acc. 30101810600000000113, BIC 044585113
Payee: ROEH “biblical book collector”
In the payment order, please specify “Payment for religious literature” or “donation for statutory activities.” In the mail order such mark is indicated in the field “for written communication.”