Thank the Lord for His move in North part of Bangladesh. During this one week we attended different meetings in the church life.
April 25th, nine serving ones came here, we fellowship with them concerning consecration. Afternoon we had Lord’s table meeting, 25 saints and children attended it.
26th, seven college students came here, we had students training meeting.
27th, we with serving ones visited the saint’s house and we had family meeting with them.
28th, six college students and seven serving ones came here, we had training meeting, after meeting we also visited saint’s house.
29th, We had first time serving ones meeting in Birgonj, we all fasted and desperately pray for the needs of churches. Also we shared concerning the practice of the church life and consecrate the money.
30th, we had one children meeting, twenty-three children joined .
This time our practice is to make all the serving ones take the lead and function in the church. Also four persons been baptized. Praise the Lord.
In Christ
Brother P, LS, P
Lord’s Table
Student Meeting
Children Meeting