Encouraging Responses to the BFA blog


The Bibles for America blog began one year ago with the burden to reach spiritually hungry people online and feed them with bite-sized portions of ministry, leading them eventually to the enjoyment of the rich storehouse of ministry available in the books of Brothers Nee and Lee. The blog now has over 7,000 e-mail subscribers, and many posts have begun to appear in results for search terms related to Christian truth and experience.

More and more, BfA blog readers are sharing posts with their friends via social media. One post, titled 7 Ways to Have a New Beginning with the Lord, was shared over 1,000 times on Facebook this year. Another, titled What Is the Difference between the Soul and the Spirit?, was shared over 700 times.

Readers are also commenting more often regarding the help they receive from posts. Here are some encouraging comments from readers this year:

“What a lesson, you have really made my day with this word of God and now I am working on being careful and praying for my heart to be a ‘home’ for my creator and not a guest place for Him…God bless you richly…more of this!!!”—Osunlana on Where Is God’s Home?

“Many times I have asked myself what is the purpose of being tripartite. These studies are very helpful and clear. Thank you.”—Lawrence on the Spanish translation of What Is the Difference between the Soul and the Spirit?

“Thank you for the free reading on Spirit vs spirit. I will start reading your free Bible, the Recovery Version, starting today. I see the NT has a lot of Study Notes.”—Anita on What Is the Human Spirit According to the Bible?

“Thank you for sharing this insight with the difference between in and into. My husband is a missionary, and whenever he has to baptize anyone he teaches on this, that everyone may know the truth. This is the first time other than my husband I am hearing the same. Thank you for sharing the truth.”—Judy on The Difference between “Believing In” and “Believing Into” in John 3:16

“Great explanation! I thought all along that faith originates from us…Now I know that faith comes from, and ends with, Jesus. Thanks for the very clear explanation! Godspeed.”—James on What Is Faith and Where Does It Come From?

“I have several Christian web sites that I use to find solid Christian teaching and I have found this site to be extremely helpful.”—Richard on Quote of the Week: Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1

Please pray for more people to find and subscribe to the BfA blog and for the blog posts to minister Christ to those searching for answers on the Internet. May the Lord continue to reach His hungry seekers through the blog and bring them into the full enjoyment of the rich ministry of the age!