Enlarged Facilities for the Full-Time Training in Anaheim

FTTA 全时间训练目前训练学员已超过300人。原先在Ball road 的会所已不够使用因此决定搬到圆区八号楼里训练。因此需要修改部分八号楼改建为训练教室,厨房,及餐厅。七号楼也要修改为训练办公室及公共设施。改䢖工程共需八百万美元。LSM出资两百五十万,其馀五百五十万需要众召会纪念。希望於今年八月份完成给秋季班训练使用。若有奉献可直接给所在地的地方召会再转给LSM。
Enlarged Facilities for the Full-Time Training in Anaheim

Since the inception of the Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA) twenty-five years
ago in August 1989, the Lord’s rich blessing on His recovery in North America has
been quite evident. Many who have attended the FTTA have been greatly benefited
in the growth of the divine life, in the equipping and realization of the divine truths,
and in the cultivation of their spiritual capacity. As of this date, 3,737 trainees have
completed at least one term of training, and 2,334 of this number have completed
the entire two years of training. It is our hope and expectation that this number will
continue to grow.
In the last few years, the FTTA has faced an on-going overcrowding problem which
impacts the carrying out of the training in its functions and operations. With the
number of full-time trainees well over 300, the current training facility is
inadequate and insufficient. These shortages are compounded as the number of
trainees increases. Furthermore, as the number of young people in the Lord’s
recovery increases, we anticipate increased enrollment in the coming years. It is our
responsibility to provide the facilities to adequately raise up our young people to be
proper and useful vessels; this requires much prudence and foresight.
After careful thought and much consideration among the co-workers, during the
recent International Chinese-speaking conference held in Anaheim on February 14-
16, 2014, a burden was released related to relocating the FTTA to the Ministry
Conference Center (MCC). This is the same facility that is being used during the
semiannual trainings.
Phase 1 of the current plan is to remodel part of building 8 at the MCC to provide
the main training classrooms and an adequate kitchen with a large cafeteria.
Building 7, which is the adjacent to….

We would encourage you to view the 30 minute sharing of this burden by accessing the link: http://stream11.lsmwebcast.com/reports/FTTA.html Also, there is .pdf that can be downloaded from this link that includes pertinent points.

Due to the urgency of the timely completion of the FTTA Training Center before the fall semester begins in August, the coworkers felt good to fellowship this matter earlier rather than later, and have announced that a more detailed letter concerning the project is forthcoming.

– See more at: http://livingtohim.com/2014/03/enlarged-facilities-for-the-ftta/#sthash.1HZEvt2f.dpuf