New Testament distributions in Lisbon and at the University of Lisbon.

Report from Portugal

The conference for Portugal and Spain was last weekend. Before the conference there were New Testament distributions in Lisbon and at the University of Lisbon. The students on this campus were open and ready beyond anything the saints had ever seen. Over 250 NTs went out; 47% of the recipients want further contact. Nineteen prayed to receive the Lord.

At present there is only one family in the recovery in Lisbon. Ask the Lord to supply them in shepherding and to gather seekers to them for raising up a lampstand in Lisbon.


On 4-7 December a Bible distribution was carried out in Lisbon to support the Iberian Peninsula conference that took place there on 6-8 December and to cooperate with the Lord to raise up a lampstand in Lisbon. During the four days of distribution, a total of 765 Bibles were given out. 415 (54%) of the recipients indicated that they were open to be contacted. Of this number, 32 were very open. In addition, 52 persons prayed to receive the Lord. Eight new ones attended the conference. The experience of the saints who carried out the distribution was overwhelmingly positive. Please pray:

For the shepherding of the Bible recipients who are open for further contact.

That a good number of these recipients will be gained for the church life in Lisbon and become building members of the Body of Christ.

That the word released in the conference will operate in all the saints for their building up.

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