Fellowship from the brothers in Hyderabad

Two brothers (Br. S. L and K.L)from Southern California visited

the church in Hyderabad. They had been with us from Oct.10th

evening. We, brothers in Hyderabad and Guntur received much supply and

encouragement through them. Here we would like to share something brief with


1. Pay more attention to enjoy the Lord and serve in one accord.

2. Four pillars in the Lord’s Recovery i.e. Truth, Life, Church, Gospel.

3. Church must grow both in quality and quantity.

4. Nourishing the new ones with guiles milk of the pure word of God.

5. Perfecting the saints to be the functioning members in the Body.

6. Having the vital companions.

7. Focus on the young ones (18 -35 Age group).

8. 98% increase in the church can be from the non local. So pay attention to the

people who are moved from other localities. It is easy to gain them than the

local people.

9. Work more on the non – Christians, since they are the top majority in this

country, but it is not legal, if any one get a particular leading from the Lord

to go and share the truth to Christians, it is ok.

10.Since almost all brothers are busy from morning to evening, vitalize the

sisters (who are at home) to get burdened to go and propagate.

11.Labor on the translation for the enjoyment of saints so that the church can be

constituted with truth as the solid testimony.

12.A.P. is the fertile land and Hyderabad is a crucial city, so if we co-operate

with the Lord, it is very much possible to establish 200 churches in A.P and

1000 saints in Hyderabad by 2020.