UK & Ireland Blending Conference in Nottingham, UK

UK & Ireland Blending Conference 2013 with Ron Kangas

Brother Ron Kangas gave 4 messages during a UK & Ireland Blending Conference in Nottingham, UK from August 24-25, 2013. The general subject of the conference is “Living the Life of a God-man, in the Corporate New Man, for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose.” You can download the audio files of these messages from the Amana Trust website here:

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UK & Ireland Blending Conference

Nottingham, UK
23-25 August 2013
Amana Trust in fellowship with the churches in UK and Ireland invites you to attend a blending conference on the weekend of 23-25 August 2013 in Nottingham, UK. This conference, which is also held in Dublin, Ireland, will alternate each year between Ireland and the UK. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints and churches attending. All saints who wish to attend must register.

For further information please see below.

Yours in His recovery,

Amana Trust

Contact info:
Amana Trust, Bower House, Orange Tree Hill
Romford, RM4 1PB, UK

Contact number: +44 1708 380 301