New District in Vientiane, Laos 老挝首都万象

Praise the Lord! We experienced God’s move is very quickly if God wants to do something. The best way to coordinate with Him is praying.In 9th of June, the day of the first time of Lord’s table meeting in the new district, one new believer brought his two friends (one of them wanted to be baptized)to our house, we just explained the truth about baptism and speak a few words. Two friends baptized with simple heart. At that day, there were ten saints gathering to enjoy and worship God. At last we partook of our food with exultation and simplicity of heart. Praise the Lord!We encouraged them to have morning revival. Now there are six new believers have morning revival, and there are four of the new believers have morning revive with us.Actually, There are still half of new believers have no normal church life in new district. May the Lord strength and shepherd them, and strength His moving here.In Christ