A Recording Of The Blending Fellowship That Took Place in Warsaw 在华沙举行的相调交通的录音

Dear Brothers,

A recording of the blending fellowship that took place in Warsaw after the ITERO can be viewed using the following link:


The video is streamed from the LSM website. The fellowship opens with a 78-minute speaking by Brother Ron Kangas and concludes with several reports on the Lord’s present move in Europe. The total length of the video is 2 hours and 15 minutes. Translation into a number of languages is available by following instructions for selecting a language track.

Please share this information with the churches in the areas where you serve.

May the have a way through the genuine blending to bring all the saints into the reality of the Body of Christ.



ITERO 之后在华沙举行的相调交通的录音可通过以下链接观看:


该视频来自 LSM 网站。交通以罗恩·坎加斯弟兄长达78分钟的演讲开始,并以几则关于主目前在欧洲行动的报告作为结束。视频总时长2小时15分钟。按照选择语言轨道的说明,可以翻译成多种语言。





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