Youth Team Propagation Testimony in Hualien and Taitung of the Da’an District in the Church of Taipei 2024.10.18— The Church in Hualien City 台北市召会大安区青年队花东开展见证 2024.10.18 花莲市召会 已发表 2024-10-19 Resource:
已发表 2017-08-31 世人的高中世界決定,你的高中主決定 | 高雄市召会 (召会通讯第114期) The Gentiles’ High School Living Determined by the World while High School Living of You as a Christian Determined by the Lord | The Church in Kaohsiung City (Churchnews Issue No. 114) 世人的高中世界決定,你的高中主決定(召会通讯 […]
已发表 2016-10-06 Video on the Saints Singing John 4:14 at English District of Hall 41 in the Church of Taipei City 台北市召会四十一会所英文区圣徒歌唱约翰福音四章14节(视频) English District of Ha […]