2024.09.21 Morning Revival Perfecting for the Responsible Ones in the District on the Lord’s Day—Church Burden 2024.0921主日区负责晨兴成全—召会负担 已发表 2024-09-25 Resource:https://youtu.be/gzYjkmHVBWg
已发表 2018-02-14 波兰圣徒高雄市召会交通相调 Saints from Poland Coming to the Church in Kaohsiung City for Blending 波兰弟兄的交通 Source: https: […]
已发表 2016-07-11 花莲市召会第三会所碧云区儿童、青少年背经、见证—YouTube Children and Young People Reciting the Bible and Testifying at District Biyun, Hall 3 of the Church in Hualien 「花蓮市召會第三會所碧雲區兒童、青少年背經. […]