2024 Young People’s Blending Conference in Sarawak 2024全砂青少年相调特会

2024 All-Sand Youth Conference @ Sibu
Theme: The Life of a Christian
This conference, led by brothers, delves into the message from the 2024 National Memorial Day conference, exploring the life of a Christian. Instead of focusing on outward actions, the brothers help us understand the inner meaning of a Christian life.
What is the life of a Christian? It is living the life of Christ. Our life should be Christ, and the path to living Christ is through loving Christ. We can live Christ to the utmost through love for Christ. Loving Him is the best way to focus our whole being on Him. This means surrendering our spirit, soul, and body – our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30) – to Him. In essence, we allow Him to possess us fully, dissolving into Him, until He becomes our everything. In our daily lives, we become one with Him.
1 John 4:19: “We love because He first loved us.” God loved us first, pouring His love into us, and generating love within us. This allows us to love God back with the same love.
2 Corinthians 5:14: “For the love of Christ compels us…” The original meaning of “compels” is “to press from all sides, to push aside, to impose a limit, to confine within a boundary, to limit to a goal, a line, and a purpose (like a narrow path with walls).” We are compelled by God’s love to a point of no return, to a specific path where we cannot turn left or right, cannot retreat. We can only move forward in God’s direction, using His love as our own to love Him and love one another. This is the life of a Christian.
To live the Christian life, we must not only love God, but also do everything in the person of Christ, meaning living in His presence. Living in the person of Christ means living face-to-face with Him. “Face” refers to the area around the eyes. Our life needs to look at the face of the Lord, at His eyes. The brothers helped us to understand that we need:
1. A life of confession: We must be constantly illuminated by His light, dealing with our sins, removing the veil that covers us. In fact, our wayward hearts are the veil. Someone who loves the Lord will see themselves as a sinner. Lord, I am a sinner, but by Your grace…
2. A life of singing and prayer: Even though we are fragile earthen vessels, our spirits hold an invaluable treasure, the very face of Christ. Nothing in the universe is as precious as beholding the face of Jesus.
The life of a Christian requires our actions to align with our calling. Alignment implies suitability. Aligning our actions with God’s calling means:
1. Striving to maintain the unity of the Spirit: “Unity” refers to the Spirit Himself.
2. Growing into Christ, the Head, in all things: The burden here is to grow in life. We must listen to Him and see only Jesus.
3. Learning Christ according to what is real in Him: This means emulating Christ.
4. Living in love and light: We must live in the light of Christ.
5. Living Christ by being filled with the Spirit and overflowing with Christ.
The Christian life is also a life of grafting. Grafting signifies the need to continuously cleanse our old life. This cleansing is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. The more we cleanse, the more the life-giving stream within us flows. This stream needs to be measured by God, flowing from our ankles to our knees, our waist, until it becomes a river that cannot be crossed. To experience this cleansing, we need constant dealing with sin on the cross, complete surrender, and the measurement of the Lord, the “man of bronze.” Jesus yearns for and demands absoluteness, for it is through absoluteness that we flow. Enjoying Christ as the flowing life makes us sowers, planters, waterers, fruit-bearers, feeders, and builders. This enables us to engage in the ministry of supplying life, building for the divine life, for God’s magnificent temple.

2024全砂青少年相调特会 @ 诗巫
