The Origin of the Conferences and Trainings Holding Seven Times a Year in the Lord’s Recovery 关于主恢复一年七次特会训练的缘起

The Origin of the Seven Annual Gatherings in the Lord’s Recovery

In the fall of 1996, at the home of Brother Witness Lee, brothers and those with special ministries gathered to discuss the seriousness of his health. The brothers assured him that the Lord would provide for whatever was needed. Brother Lee expressed his gratitude and then opened his heart to the brothers with a confident, intimate, and sweet expression. He said, “After I go to the Lord, the full-time training must continue; the summer and winter trainings twice a year must continue, as well as the yearly international Chinese conference. The elders are responsible for two trainings for the brothers, the Memorial Day Conference and the Thanksgiving Conference, these seven gatherings must continue. I want you to take this as my will, the entire Lord’s recovery, you must continue with the seven gatherings a year.”

Saints, this is why the Lord’s Recovery has seven annual gatherings. It is a legacy and a trust. Could God’s servant, in his last moments, have spoken and requested this lightly? Think about it, without maintaining these seven feasts, where would the saints be today, and what would the situation be? Yes, we need local fellowship, regional fellowship, but is it not better and more glorious for the saints in the entire Lord’s recovery to gather from all over? Brother Lee hoped that the saints in the Lord’s Recovery would gather at least seven times a year; he indeed had the burden for the church to gather at least seven times a year, for the sake of fellowship. For saints to gather from overseas, from various countries, this is truly a wonderful time, allowing everyone to have fellowship. Not only that, during this time, the brothers can share some words, which are very beneficial for those seeking the Lord and for the Lord’s recovery. What reason is there to refuse? Should we not continue by the grace of the Lord? Please don’t forget, the enemy is always undermining, it will say, “You don’t need these seven gatherings a year, you don’t need fellowship, you don’t need to be together, just fellowship locally; it’s a long way, you can build in the local church, why go?” You see, the enemy’s trick is to make people pay attention to the local church, too much attention to the Body of Christ; to focus on the doctrines of the Body of Christ, but not touch the practice of the Body of Christ; to see the “church” in the meetings, activities, work, and ministry, but not see the Body of Christ in the resurrection, in that Spirit, in that Spirit Christ, and in the ultimate finished God, in the reality of the Body of Christ.

The Israelites, after harvesting the crops from the good land, kept the Feast of Tabernacles, worshiping God and enjoying their harvest; they gathered together, a true picture of fellowship. For the sake of this fellowship, all Israelites had to go up to Jerusalem three times a year. The last time was after the autumn harvest, to enjoy the produce they had harvested from the good land, to offer their praises and worship to God, to speak good words and praise God. (Deut. 16:13|15)

We believe that the seven feasts a year are Brother Lee’s bequest to the Lord’s Recovery; these feasts have been of great help in keeping us abreast of the Lord’s latest speaking and in keeping us united with the Lord in His global work. The Morning Messages published after the feasts have also been a great supply for the saints.

Brother Lee, before he passed away, emphasized the necessity of fellowship, the saints, the churches, and the entire Lord’s Recovery must fellowship as much as possible. This is based on the principle of keeping the feasts. God appointed His people to keep the feasts three times a year; it was in such a manner of fellowship that the people of God kept the feasts together, making the people of God one. Think about it, how could the Lord’s Recovery have the “one” it has today without the regular fellowship and gatherings over the years? For the sake of experiencing unity of heart and mind, no price is too high. Let us have more fellowship, not be scattered tribes or separated individuals; let us fellowship together and keep the feasts for God.

2023 Lord’s Recovery Seven Annual Gatherings or Trainings

  • International Chinese Conference (February 17 – 19, 3 days, location: Anaheim, California, USA)

  • Spring International Elders and Responsible Brothers Training (March 24 – 26, 3 days, location: Anaheim, California, USA)

  • Memorial Day Conference (May 26 – 29, 4 days, location: Anaheim, California, USA)

  • Crystallization-Reading Summer Training (July 3 – 8, 6 days, location: Anaheim, California, USA)

  • Fall International Elders and Responsible Brothers Training (October 5 – 7, 3 days, location: Tentatively Philippines)

  • Thanksgiving Conference (November 23 – 26, 4 days, location: Dallas, Texas, USA)

  • Crystallization-Reading Winter Training (December 25 – 30, 6 days, location: Anaheim, California, USA)





