The Gospel Fire Blazes: A Testimony from the Li-Gang and Yan-Pu Teams
Li-Gang Team
On April 23rd, the Li-Gang team and the Yan-Pu team joined for a meal and fellowship with brothers from Pingtung. In the evening, we gathered for a prayer meeting at the Pingtung Assembly Hall, fanning the flames of the gospel and adding coals to each other’s fires. One brother remarked that it was the first time two expansion teams had simultaneously gathered in Pingtung City for the assembly, marking a new chapter in history. We believe this will bring even greater blessings.
On April 24th, 26 saints from different assemblies in Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Jiu-Ru, and Gao-Shu joined our efforts. We prayed fervently for the Lord to win key individuals and families for His church. Today, 15 brothers and sisters visited familiar families and nurtured the lambs, reaching 39 homes with the gospel and receiving names of those who called on the Lord.
On April 25th, 10 saints from Kaohsiung and Pingtung joined us. Heavy rain poured down, prompting even more fervent prayer. The storm did not deter the faith of our brothers and sisters, and they continued to knock on doors with unwavering confidence. By the afternoon, our clothes and shoes were soaked, but after dinner, we went out again to visit. Many remained closed to the gospel, but one homeowner, whose door we initially thought was empty, welcomed us into her garage for shelter from the rain. After expressing our gratitude, we shared the gospel with her. She told us her daughter, who lived out of town, was also a Christian. Although she didn’t get baptized that day, she was an open vessel and a potential participant in future home gatherings. Praise the Lord! The weather may have seemed untimely, but we went out, and the Lord still prepared open hearts. Another team visited students and their families, including a teacher who was very welcoming. The student, who was at home due to illness, was open-hearted. After the brothers and sisters shared the gospel and encouraged them to receive the Lord, both the student and her grandmother were baptized. Hallelujah! Glory to God! Today, we reached 50 friends who called on the Lord and revisited 4 familiar families.
On April 26th, 15 saints from Kaohsiung and Pingtung joined us. The brothers and sisters continued to pray and fight. Today, we reached 27 friends who called on the Lord and revisited 10 familiar families.
On April 27th, we thank the Lord for providing us with beautiful weather. The evening was dedicated to a gospel harvest gathering held in a community center rented near a park. 38 saints from Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Jiu-Ru, Gao-Shu, and Fang-Liao joined us. After praying intensely for the evening’s net, the brothers and sisters divided into three groups: one played the accordion and sang hymns in the park, another knocked on doors in nearby homes, and the third reached out to family members of other believers. Good news arrived in the evening: a believer’s daughter-in-law was saved! Hallelujah! At the evening’s gospel harvest gathering, 13 gospel friends attended. Through the testimony of an adult class student and the fellowship of the saints, one gospel friend who had been sown to for many years was baptized. Praise the Lord!
Thank the Lord for the joy! This adult class expansion gave us the opportunity to work together in the body, and more brothers and sisters stepped out to fulfill their vital function. The heavy rain didn’t stop us from going out and knocking on doors. We went out, our clothes soaked, shoes wet, yet our hearts filled with the Lord’s joy. This is a day worth remembering! (Chen Jin-Zao)
Yan-Pu Team
1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”
On the first day of the expansion, the adult class participants shared their experiences: they had already been knocking on doors in the neighborhood, morning and afternoon, seizing opportunities to share the gospel. They asked for fervent prayers for their actions and were able to lead gospel friends to call on the Lord for their needs. Seeing their active efforts truly inspired us.
We invited participants to visit a family with four members—parents and their two children—who were all baptized on the same day. However, due to work and family commitments, they had been unable to attend Sunday meetings. The adult class participants shared the Word, using Ephesians 3:17-19, repeatedly reading and rereading, along with prayer, powerfully supplying the Word into their hearts. We experienced the abundance of the Word, which, through repeated reading, brought life into the home gathering, revitalizing us all and deepening our enjoyment of the Word.
This nurturing was not limited to one-on-one but extended to our enjoyment of the Word, bringing enjoyment to them as well. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the nurtured saints, who then walked us to the door, was a true joy. The next day, the whole family attended Sunday meeting. Praise the Lord!
During this time, we also visited the family of a saint who had been taken by the Lord, trying to understand why they still had a spirit table. The participants led them to call on the Lord from their hearts and prayed for their salvation. We were deeply inspired by their strong spirits and their strong fight against the enemy Satan.
We have ongoing home gatherings, visits, and evangelism in Yan-Pu each week. However, with time, things can become stale and lose momentum. We thank the adult class participants for coming to help us expand, rekindling our spirits like fire.
Psalm 773, verse 4, “We run, but not without a goal, but in accordance with God’s will, pursuing what is excellent.” We strive towards the goal. Thank and praise the Lord! The Triune God is in the Spirit, continually strengthening us to build His body. (Luo Ying-Qiang)