“Having This Ministry…” A Digital Newsletter from Living Stream Ministry “受了这职事……”来自水流职事站的数字通讯

Having This Ministry

Issue No. 31

May 2024

In This Issue

A Brief Report from the FTTA-XB
Gospel Trip to France

A Brief Report from the FTTA-XB Gospel Trip to France

At the beginning of May, a group of FTTA-XB trainees traveled from Paris to Marseille and Montpellier, France, to preach the gospel. They have shared a brief report for our encouragement and prayer.

Biblical and Ministry Words That We Love: Economy

Biblical and Ministry Words That We Love: Economy

Throughout Living Stream Ministry’s publications, we use the term economy to refer to God’s plan to dispense Himself into His chosen people. Our decision to use this term is not without careful consideration, since the word economy has other meanings in the English language, which according to The American Heritage College Dictionary can mean “a careful, thrifty management of resources, such as money, materials, or labor” or “the system or range of economic activity in a country, region, or community.” A less common, theological definition of the word economy is “the method of God’s government of and activity within the world.”

LSM Christian Radio App

LSM Christian Radio App

At Living Stream Ministry, we are always looking for new ways to bring the riches in the Lord’s recovery to hungry seekers. With the LSM Christian Radio app, we have a convenient way to stream ministry and music on your phone at any time of the day or night.

New Releases This Month

The Subjective Aspect of the Truths in the Bible

$7.50 (retail price)

Catalog: 07-115-001


2024 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference 

$6.00 (retail price)

Catalog: 13-456-001

Ministry of the Word (Periodical), The

The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul’s Epistles—
First Corinthians

Fall 2023 Term of FTTA

$13.00 (retail price)

Catalog: 32-477-001

Special Discounts on Select LSM Publications

The History and Revelation of the Lord's Recovery

$29.00  $10.00

plus tax and shipping

Life-study of the New Testament, Conclusion Messages (5 volume set, hardbound))

Life-study of the Pentateuch

(9 volume set, hardbound)

$310.00  $90.00

plus tax and shipping

Life-study of the New Testament, Conclusion Messages (5 volume set, hardbound))

$186.00  $50.00

plus tax and shipping

Please note: Sales tax and shipping cost are extra. Continental US only.

Ministry Excerpts

2024 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference

Seeking Out the Lord-ordained Journey and Walking on It Faithfully

The most important thing in the Christian life is to seek out the journey which the Lord has ordained and faithfully walk on it. A poor phenomenon among believers today is that many have not found the journey that the Lord has ordained for them. Some, even though they have found it, do not walk on it. This is the reason that their living is filled with so much spiritual death, gloom, and restriction, and this is the reason that there are so many conflicts and arguments in God’s work.

Depending on God’s Love and Preserving Strength

[Song of Songs 8:]6 says, “Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.” When she recalls her original condition, she cannot help but be filled with humility. She cannot help but consider her emptiness, the vanity of her experience, the undependability of her mind, and the futility of her pursuit. Her only hope is the Lord.

Informative Videos

LSM Christian Radio App

Important Dates

International Memorial Day Blending Conference