The Spreading of Children’s Gospel in Hall 95 of the Church in Taipei City九十五会所儿童福音的开展

Children’s gospel work in 95 of the church

For the sake of the children’s gospel work, saints at Meeting Place 95 have been diligently inviting family members, friends, and colleagues to fellowship together since March of last year, expanding the reach of the gospel. In addition to the regular online children’s meeting every week, there are also regular parent-child outdoor fellowship activities, such as visiting campus museums, hiking in Heping Mountain to see fireflies, and having picnics in the park. They have reached over 50 parents and children, but the number of children attending the children’s meetings and the Lord’s Day meeting has stagnated. Therefore, the brothers came together to pray and fellowship, seeking a breakthrough. They realized the need to bring people from the outdoor children’s gospel fellowship into the homes of the saints.

Starting last October, they established children’s meetings in homes. Initially, only a few saints were burdened to open their homes for this purpose.

After fellowship on this year’s outlook, the saints heard the call and enthusiastically participated in the children’s work. Many saints, despite not having children themselves, are willing to open their homes for the need of children’s meetings, contributing their “thousand taels” (giving their best). In addition to the fixed children’s meetings held at least twice a month in the homes of the saints, there is also at least one fellowship activity near schools every month. This is combined with hymn singing and action rhymes, character-building stories on the Lord’s Day morning, and various fellowship activities on the Lord’s Day afternoon, such as DIY snacks and crafts, ball games, and picnics. They also use the children’s material “Little Lamp” to help children establish a prayer life, pray for their classmates by name, and help them know the truth and build good and sound character from a young age.

One saint’s child felt a burden for a classmate they often played with. Because of their heartfelt desire for their classmate to attend the children’s meeting, they persistently prayed for them, eventually bringing them to the meeting. In the process, the child also gained faith from the Lord. Since the implementation, seven families have consistently opened their homes for children’s meetings. The average number of children has increased from four saints’ children to fifteen. Additionally, over thirty parents and seventeen children have participated in outdoor fellowship activities.

May the Lord gain more saints to pray for the rise of the children’s work, and be willing to open their homes to cooperate with children’s meetings, spreading salvation to more young families through the children’s gospel. We hope that after May this year, parents of children will be saved one after another so that the church will gain propagation and expansion.




