3/30 A Blending Meeting for Foreign Language Students from All Universities in Taiwan 3/30全台大学外语生相调聚会

A total of 430 people attended the meeting, including over 170 foreign language students. (66 saints from Kaohsiung and Pingtung registered to attend.) The meeting helped everyone to enjoy and operate Christ as the all-inclusive land, in order to produce the riches of Christ and worship God corporately in the place chosen by God. May the Lord gain these foreign language students, continue to live the life of enjoying Christ in all places, and be built together on the ground of oneness.

(Translated from Google Gemini)

本次共430人,包含170多位外语生与会。 (高屏共66位圣徒报名参加。)聚会帮助众人享受、经营包罗万有的基督作美地,好产生基督的富余,在神所选择的地方团体的敬拜神。求主得着这些外语生,在各地继续过享受基督的生活,并在一的立场上被建造在一起。
