Demonstration of “How to Worship God around the Throne by Using the Holy Word for Morning Revival in Morning Prayer”-2024.3.27 The Church in Hualien《实例说明「如何在晨祷中使用晨兴圣言,围绕宝座向神敬拜」》2024.3.27 花莲市召会 已发表 2024-03-28 Source:
已发表 2016-10-03 Video on the First Lord’s Table Meeting at a New District (Ketintang Hall) in the Church of Surabaya, Indonesia 印尼泗水召会新增区(Ketintang会所)首次擘饼聚会视频 The church in Surabaya […]
已发表 2019-07-15 Saints Singing Hymns during the Lord’s Table Meeting 圣徒擘饼聚会期间唱诗歌 Saints Singing the Hym […]