David Allen Lutz 戴维·艾伦·卢茨

David Allen Lutz was born on December 11, 1942 in Detroit, Michigan where he grew up. He was the third of five children, raised by Christian parents who loved

the Lord. He was married to his wife, Renee, for nearly 57 years. They have five children, twelve grandchildren, and one great grandchild. Dave was a loving

husband, devoted father, and faithful slave of Christ Jesus. He received Jesus as his Lord and Savior at a young age and was baptized at 12 years old. Here is a brief testimony of his life of following the Lord.

In his senior year at Wayne State University, Dave had a genuine turn to the Lord. He was touched to pray and read the Bible every morning before school and asked the Lord to make Himself real to him. He graduated in 1965 and two years later, he married Renee, who he had met at a Christian camp in Michigan.Desiring to serve the Lord, he enrolled in seminary and they moved to North Carolina, where their sons David and Michael were born.

As a third year postgraduate, he once again found himself longing for a deeper spiritual reality. Through his brother Howard, they heard about the Lord’s Recovery in Los Angeles and received the book, The Normal Christian Church Life. Dave and Renee read this book together and received a clear vision of the proper way to meet as Christians on the ground of oneness. In October of 1970, he left seminary and they followed the Lord’s leading to move to Atlanta, Georgia to meet with the brothers and sisters in the Lord’s Recovery.

There, they were shepherded into the church-life living that they had been seeking. They loved the ministry and meeting with the saints. In 1975, Dave began to take on responsibility as an elder in the church in Atlanta. Their family continued to grow with the additions of Joy, Rachel, and Greg. In 1993, he took a trip to Russia, to visit the local churches being raised up in that country. During this visit, he had the strong feeling that he should resign from his job and serve the Lord with his full-time. Over the next 15 years, he traveled to many countries sharing the ministry at conferences and training classes, visiting the churches, and shepherding the saints.

In 2008, Dave was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. From that time, his capacity to serve slowly diminished but his love for the Lord, the church, the saints, and his steadfastness for the ministry never wavered. As an exhorting father, he would often say “to give your life to the Lord is the best choice”. Then he would add, “there is nothing else in this world worth giving ourselves to”. His life was a pattern of one who stayed the course as a faithful servant, living a life to the Lord, and for the fulfilment of God’s eternal purpose.

Family is holding private services.

戴维·艾伦·卢茨 (David Allen Lutz) 于 1942 年 12 月 11 日出生于密歇根州底特律,并在那里长大。他是五个孩子中的第三个,由敬畏神的基督徒父母抚养长大。他与妻子蕾妮 (Renee) 结婚近 57 年。他们育有五个孩子、十二个孙子和一个曾孙。戴夫是一位慈爱的丈夫、忠诚的父亲和基督耶稣的忠实奴仆。 他从小就接受耶稣为他的主和救主,并在 12 岁时受浸。以下是跟随主一生的简短见证。 在韦恩州立大学读大四时,戴夫真正地转向了主。他被感动每天早上在去学校之前祷告和阅读圣经,并祈求主向他显明自己。他于 1965 年毕业,两年后与在密歇根州一个基督教夏令营认识的蕾妮结婚。 为了服事主,他进入神学院,他们搬到了北卡罗来纳州,他们的儿子戴维和大卫在那里出生。 作为一名三年级研究生,他再次渴望更深层次的精神现实。通过他的兄弟霍华德,他们听说了洛杉矶的主恢复,并收到了《正常的基督徒教会生活》一书。戴夫和蕾妮一起阅读了这本书,并清楚地看到了基督徒在合一的基础上聚会的正确方式。 1970 年 10 月,他离开神学院,跟随主的带领搬到佐治亚州亚特兰大,与主恢复中的弟兄姊妹见面。 在那里,他们被牧养进入他们一直在寻求的教会生活。他们热爱事奉和与圣徒聚会。 1975 年,戴夫开始担任亚特兰大教会长老的责任。随着乔伊、雷切尔和格雷格的加入,他们的家庭继续壮大。 1993 年,他前往俄罗斯访问该国正在兴起的当地教会。在这次访问中,他强烈地感觉到他应该辞去工作,全时间服事主。在接下来的 15 年里,他前往许多国家,在特会和训练课程中分享职事,访问教会,牧养圣徒。 2008 年,戴夫被诊断出患有帕金森病。从那时起,他服事的能力逐渐减弱,但他对主、教会、圣徒的爱以及他对职事的坚定不移从未动摇。作为一位劝勉的父亲,他经常说“将你的生命交给主是最好的选择”。然后他会补充说,“在这个世界上,没有其他东西值得我们奉献自己。”他的一生是忠心仆人的典范,为着主而活,为着成就神永远的旨意。 家人正在举行私人追悼会。

(Translated from Google Gemini)