Our Spiritual Mother Forever—Sister Huang Liu Minglie 我们永远的属灵母亲—黄刘明烈师母

Our Spiritual Mother Forever—Sister Huang Liu Minglie

The young people who lived in Hall 3 of the Church in Taipei City in the early 1970s were truly blessed. The negative impacts of the biggest turmoil on the island of Taiwan had completely passed, and the church life began to blossom with a scenario of growth and life. The elderly brothers and sisters, while saddened by the loss of a generation of young working saints, were extremely eager for the student generation to rise up and continue the commission. They cherished the young people like precious treasures, and how could the young people not be blessed? I thank God for His sovereign arrangement that allowed me to be a part of this and witness its glory.

Moreover, in order to cultivate an excellent next generation, Brother Huang Guisen and Sister Huang Liu Minglie, who were both alumni of National Taiwan University, were specifically sent to serve in Taipei Hall 3 and Hall 19, nurturing many gifted ones who went on to serve among the churches throughout Taiwan and even throughout the whole world. Their labor in the Lord during those years is worthy of remembrance for eternity.

Closely Following the Most Up-to-Date Leading of the Ministry

At that time, Brother Lee was ministering in California, USA. His messages which were released in English were not yet recorded on video, but were still in the audio cassette stage, which greatly limited in their dissemination. The saints in Taipei were generally slow to respond to this. However, Brother Huang and his wife actively led the young people to follow closely, practice diligently, and release the most timely messages at the college conferences, taking the lead in entering into it. During those years, the college students became the vitality and pioneers of the church life, functioning like a locomotive.

The Solid Practice of Spiritual Life

The brothers and sisters who lived in the student center of the Hall 3 (nearly a hundred at its peak) were required to fill out a spiritual practice form every week. They had to fill in details about their daily morning revival, evening prayer, weekly school meetings, Lord’s Day meetings, and gospel preaching, …etc. One of the most unforgettable things was that Brother Huang and his wife led the way in praying and reading the Lord’s word. During the weekday, after the daily group morning revival in each household, those who volunteered are welcomed to go to the living room on the fifth floor for another session, praying-reading the Lord’s word verse by verse for half an hour. Starting from Genesis 1:1, they prayed-read aloud until they were burning in spirit, rejoice exultingly. The more they prayed-read, the more people joined in, the longer the time went on, the louder their voices became, and the more they shared. The living room on the fifth floor was like a boiling furnace.

Perfecting Young People to Function Properly in the Church

Young people were encouraged to have the spirit of being “in charge” and actively receive the commission. Campus meetings were served and led by student saints themselves, who also took charge of preaching the gospel. The young people were trained and perfected to fulfill their functions. Automatically, the responsibility of feeding and caring for the younger ones fell on their shoulders. Some served college students, some served high school students, and others served children. In many practical services of the church, they also participated according to their burdens, being fully blended into the life and service of the whole church.

When the Church in Taipei City began to resume the gospel outreach at the New Park Music Stage, all the services in the first gospel meeting were entrusted to the young people. The young people sang hymns on stage, gave testimonies, translated into Taiwanese dialect, and even the gospel message was preached by a graduate student from National Taiwan University. It was evident that a new generation was being raised up by the Lord.

When the churches began to pursue the Life-study of Genesis, the ministry of the word on Lord’s Day in each meeting hall was unexpectedly entrusted to the young people. The young people would prepare diligently, and then decide before the meeting who would be responsible for the service according to their burden. At that time, I was also included among the learners. In order to practice diligently, sometimes I fasted and stayed awake at Saturday night. I truly received a great deal of perfecting, which remains vivid in my memory to this day. (“Dark are his eyes with wine, / And white are his teeth with milk.”- Genesis 49:12.)

They did not directly lead the various meetings and services, but they actively blended in, providing specific perfecting and leading before or after. They also held a weekly perfecting meeting for the service. What they did set the best example for “the perfecting of the saints” mentioned in Ephesians 4:12.

Providing Comprehensive, Meticulous, and Thoughtful Care as a Nursing Mother

In Volume 2 of the Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1973-1974, The Various Meetings in Los Angeles, the first chapter mentioned: ” When the church life in practicality reaches a peak, there should be some real mothers in every church; in Romans 16:13 Paul says, ‘Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother as well as mine’”.

Our Sister Huang is the best example and model of this. They not only cared about our spiritual life but also about all aspects of our lives. The student center provided high-quality meals, taking care of our physical needs. For senior students, they were even more concerned about the brothers’ and sisters’ marriages, considering them from a spiritual perspective and making introductions and matches.

Moreover, they mobilized the older sisters to take extra care of the student brothers and sisters’ daily lives. During the Spring Festival, they prepared love feasts for students from other places who remained at the student center, expressing their care and concern. There are countless examples of their love and care. It is just as Hymn 705 in the Supplement says: “O home full of love and care! God’s river of life we share; I’m strengthened every day, And guided all the way; Dear Church! How I love Thee, Home sweet home, I love Thee!”

Special Perfecting for Me, a Junior

What was especially important was their constant prayer and intercession for us, the younger ones. Like watchmen on the watchtower, they paid attention to our situation and continuously provided appropriate help. I still remember when I was a sophomore in college, I had a heart for the Lord and hoped to serve Him full-time for the rest of my life. However, the reality was cruel: I stuttered, had a bad temper, and found it difficult to get along with others. My service also did not have much effect. After praying for a while, I went to fellowship with Sister Huang and explained my situation to her. I hoped that they would take me in and give me special perfecting so that I would have the capacity to serve the Lord full-time for the rest of my life. If they agreed, I could immediately go to National Taiwan University to apply for a leave of absence and follow them to learn full-time like an apprentice. I considered myself to have nothing, and if I had anything, it was should only a simple heart that loved the Lord. Unexpectedly, after listening to me, Sister Huang said “Oh Lord, Oh Lord” for a long time before slowly responding, “Brother Samuel, not to mention that we dare not to agree, even Brother Witness Lee wouldn’t dare to agree.” My last remaining bit of heart was completely shattered. I truly was an uncarvable piece of rotten wood!

Although I was rotten wood, they did not give up on me at all. In addition to the general common leading, they would often give me tailor-made special tutoring, recommend spiritual books for me to read, and give me opportunities to practice serving in the church. Observing my diligent study of the Bible, they even bought me a Young’s Concordance as a gift. They perfected me by bringing me under the ministry and into the practical coordination of the church, rather than the so-called individualistic, heroic training. Decades later, I realized that this was the best kind of perfecting ever.

In the blink of an eye, three years passed, and they accepted the commission to go to the Philippines to spread the work. After that, we didn’t have much time together, but their pattern and service have been deeply engraved in me that can never be removed.

Time flies so fast. It has been almost fifty years since I service in a full-time way. Looking back now, it is truly all the God’s mercy. ” So then, it is not of the one who wills, nor of the one who runs, but of God, the One who shows mercy.” (Romans 9:16)

Our Spiritual Mother Forever

Many years ago, when I returned to Hall one of the church in Taipei, I heard the saints mention that Sister Huang prayed daily for the Lord’s recovery with many saints as well, and I was among those she mentioned by name every day. I felt deeply blessed and engraved with gratitude. Thank God for giving me such a nursing mother, our spiritual mother forever.

14th March 2024
Respectfully written by Samuel Liu at the Church of Ontario in California, USA




















虽然是朽木,他们一点没有放弃,除了一般性共同的带领,不时给我量身订作特别的成全,推荐属灵书报阅读,给机会在召会中操练服事。观察到我认真研读圣经,更所费不赀购买Young’s Concordance慨赠我。他们成全我,是把我带到职事之下,也是把我带进召会实际的配搭里,而不是所谓个人英雄式的成全。数十年后,我方了解,这才是最好的成全。





二零二四年三月十四日 主内晚刘晨曦敬笔于美国加州安大略召会




















雖然是朽木,他們一點沒有放棄,除了一般性共同的帶領,不時給我量身訂作特別的成全,推薦屬靈書報閱讀,給機會在召會中操練服事。觀察到我認真研讀聖經,更所費不貲購買Young’s Concordance慨贈我。他們成全我,是把我帶到職事之下,也是把我帶進召會實際的配搭裏,而不是所謂個人英雄式的成全。數十年後,我方了解,這纔是最好的成全。






二〇二四年三月十四日 主内晚劉晨曦敬筆於美國加州安大畧召會