20240303 The Silhouette of Changhua-Nantou Church’s Hymns Perfecting (supplementary) 20240303 彰投诗歌成全剪影(补) 已发表 2024-03-06 Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzCMiPFWoK8
已发表 2016-06-23 Recap of the 2016 SSOT in the Churches of llocos Norte, Philippines (Video) 二〇一六年菲律宾北伊罗戈省众召会暑期真理学校回顾视频 Recap of the 2016 SSOT […]
已发表 2017-02-13 二〇一六年高雄市召会小五六寒假特会第二梯次奉献宣告 Declaring Consecration during the Second Batch of Winter Conference for the Students in Grade 5 and 6 of the Primary School in the Church of Kaohsiung City Source: https://www.yo […]