A Brief Report on SoCal Inland Area Churches Blending on 2/25 南加州内陆地区众召会二月二十五日相调简报

A Brief Report on SoCal Inland Area Churches Blending on 2/25
On February 25, 2024, nine churches in the Inland Empire area of Southern California were gathered at Colony High school in Ontario for a blending, overflowing the riches from the saints who had recently visited Taiwan for International Chinese Speaking Blending Conference (ICSC) and the following church visits.
Many serving saints from all localities came around 8:30am to set up the meeting venue. Singing and praising started at 9:45 while the table meeting officially started at 10am. Following the table meeting, five young brothers gave the reviewing of the five messages of ICSC, each taking 5 minutes. After that, five groups of saints gave testimonies on what they have been touched and learned from the trip to Taiwan, focusing on aspects of truth pursuit, God-man living, gospel/shepherding, perfecting young ones, and hospitality in love. Towards the end, three co-working brothers gave their concluding words of encouragement. Then all the saints enjoyed catered lunch together with more sweet fellowship.
  • Encouraging Attendance
A total of 561 saints attended the blending, including 116 children, which is unprecedented. Particularly on the children’s side, we expected to have 60 children and 15 serving ones; actually we had 116 children and 30 serving ones, nearly doubled.
  • Functioning of many members in strong and sweat coordination
Over the weeks before and during the blending time, more than 10 serving groups, such as children, food setting/dispensing, chairs setting/ushering etc, were formed with point brothers as the lead and participating saints from various localities. Among the saints and across the groups, much prayers, fellowship and practical coordination took place in a strong and sweet way, via communication platforms like WhatsAPP, google doc sharing and group texting etc. We can testify that this is of the move of the inner operating and energizing God within the pure and willing hearts of the saints. This is especially seen with the children service group.
  • Young Saints Rising Up to Serve
A generation of young saints, particularly the young working saints, are rising up to function in all aspects of the service, whether reviewing the message, giving of the testimonies, children service, meeting venue setting up, food and other practical services. We can see that within the young generation the Lord is stirring up their heart to rise up and serve with proper aggressiveness.

2024年2月25日,南加内陆地区九个教会在安大略 Colony 高中参加相调聚会,分享了最近访问台湾参加国际华语相调聚会(ICSC)以及后续教会访问的圣徒所带来的丰富。

来自各地众多的服事圣徒在早上 8:30 左右来到现场布置聚会场地。9:45 开始唱诗赞美,10 点正式开始聚会。聚会之后,五位年轻的弟兄复习了 ICSC 的五篇信息,每人用了五分钟。之后,五组圣徒作见证,分享他们这次台湾之旅中受到的感动和学到的东西,着重于真理追求、神人生活、福音/牧养、成全年轻人和以爱款待等方面。接近尾声时,三位同工弟兄带来总结性的勉励。然后,所有圣徒共同享用午餐,并有更多甜美的交通。


此次相调聚会总共 561 位圣徒参加,其中有 116 位儿童,这是一个前所未有的记录。在儿童的方面尤其如此,我们期望有 60 位儿童和 15 位服事的圣徒参加,实际上有 116 位儿童和 30 位服事的圣徒,几乎翻倍了。


在相调聚会前的几周内以及聚会期间,成立了 10 多个服事小组,例如儿童组、食物分发组、椅子设置/引导组等,以领头弟兄为主导,并有来自不同地区的圣徒参与。在圣徒之间和各小组之间,通过WhatsApp、谷歌文档共享和群组短信等交流平台进行了大量的祷告、交通和实际协调。我们可以见证,这是内在运行并激励人心的神在圣徒纯洁而愿意的心中的行动。这一点在儿童服务组中尤为明显。



(Translated from Google Gemini)