A Report on the 2024 International Chinese-speaking Conference and Visitations 2024年国际华语特会蒙恩及访问报导

A Report on the 2024 International Chinese-speaking Conference and Visitations

After six years, the International Chinese-speaking Conference was held on February 10 and 11. This special conference was graced by the presence of over 34,000 saints from 79 different countries. I was also fortunate to attend, and it was a truly gracious blessing from the Lord.

The subject was: “Fighting the good fight, finishing the Course, keeping the faith, and loving the Lord’s appearing in order to receive the reward of Christ as the crown of righteousness.”

The second message, entitled “Finishing the Course,” left a lasting impression on me. The brother spoke about how running the race is not like taking a leisurely stroll; rather, it is a sprint on the correct track, and we must run until the finish line. In doing so, there are two questions we must ask ourselves: first, are we running, and second, are we running in the right lane?

He also said, “The one who falls down and rises again is the best runner.” We should not give up, become weary, or faint in our soul but look away unto jesus and run the race set before us.

After the conference, we visited the full-time training center. The trainees gave us a tour of their living quarters and explained their daily routines, which were remarkably organized and neat. They also shared about the purpose and core components of the training program. We learned about the trainees’ propagation in various countries, and they concluded by saying that their goal is to be sent out to do the Lord’s work, which left a profound impact on me. It made me realize that I needed to undergo thorough training in life, truth, and character for the Lord’s interests on earth.

During our visit, we also went to the exhibition hall of the Lord’s recovery. Brother Chang Chih-cheng gave us a guided tour, showing us how the Lord’s recovery has progressed through generations and how the Bible has been translated and revised over time. Today, we have access to the complete truth, the unveiled Bible, all thanks to the painstaking efforts and labor of the saints who came before us. We should not merely possess the Bible and read the life-study of the Bible; instead, we should delve into these words and be constituted.

We visited several local churches to gain insights into the saints’ church life and listened to their testimonies. We observed that their church structures were very sound, and they closely followed the leader of the ministry. They also spared no effort in offering themselves up, setting an example for us all.

Through this visit, we experienced the reality of the Body of Christ and witnessed its richness. We experienced the flow of blood throughout the body, and it was truly sweet and wonderful. May the spirit of this special conference continue to inspire us to run with all our might, finish the race, and win the Lord as our reward.








