【International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference—MESSAGES】 Encouraging the saints to love the Lord’s appearing throughout their life With the goal of obtaining the crown of righteousness【召会国际新春华语相调特会—信息篇】勉励圣徒一生爱主显现 以得着公义冠冕为目标

**Special Correspondent Yang Yumei, Taipei**
On the second day of the Chinese New Year International Conference, the morning message followed the fourth and fifth topics of the previous day, the themes of which were: “Maintaining our love for the Lord according to the inner meaning of the Song of Songs, and the manifestation of our love for the Lord, and Acquiring Christ as the Crown of righteousness and the reward of the Kingdom.” The fourth topic was released by Brother Chen Junliang and Brother Chen Xun, and the fifth topic was released by Brother Chen Shi.
The spiritual experience of the six stages from the Song of Songs to prepare the Bride for the Lord
Brother Chen Junliang mentioned: “The Song of Songs is a poem, a history of divine love, which reveals the experiences of six stages in the love fellowship between individual believers and Christ (the Bridegroom), in order to prepare His bride.” The six stages experienced by the Bride are: First, being attracted to seek Christ to gain satisfaction; second, being separated from oneself through being one with Christ’s cross; third, living in the resurrection, as the new creation; fourth, living in the veil by the resurrection of the cross; fifth, sharing in the Lord’s work; sixth, hoping to be raptured.
“May we offer ourselves to love the Lord, because there is no other way to enjoy such abundance. We should not look at things outside the Lord, nor should we look at ourselves. When we introspect ourselves, we always sink. We may say, Lord, what You say is too high, too difficult for me but we need to be like Paul: ‘Looking forward to Jesus’, our self is not worth our looking at, the greatest enemy of spiritual progress makes us weak is our self. We need only look up to Him and love Him, and all these problems will be solved.” Brother Chen quoted the prayer of the Shulamite woman in the Song of Songs: “O north wind, awake! O south wind, blow! Blow upon my garden, that its fragrance may flow out.” Here, the north wind refers to difficulty (adversity), and the south wind is smooth (prosperity). The bride learns a lesson, she realizes that all problems are not external environmental problems, but problems of life within themselves. “If we are constituted by Christ within, whether the outside is difficult or smooth, whether it is adversity or prosperity, we can make our fragrance manifest, this is also the secret that Paul has learned, ‘I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.'”
He further encourages the saints that when we are willing to respond to the Lord’s call, to come out of our situation of self-care, we can become like “pillars of smoke that cannot be shaken”, and we are qualified to act with the Lord: First, in the generation of the church, become the Lord’s “resting place” (we become the peace and victory of the Lord in spiritual warfare); second, in the age of the kingdom, become the Lord’s “palanquin” (we are with the Lord in the celebration of the triumph); third, in the holy marriage life of the eternal age, we become the Lord’s “bride”, adorn ourselves to welcome His return.
We need to mature in life and be one with the Lord
Brother Chen Xun shared the revelation he had from Song of Songs 7:11-12 when he released the message, there was something he felt very precious and glorious. He said it takes a lot of work to take care of a vineyard. This vineyard represents the church. The passage indicates that the Lord of the vineyard, that is, the Lord Jesus, needs us to respond to His call to actively share in His work. Brother Chen Xun was delighted to say: “How glorious it is! Whenever I think that a sinner like me can actually share in His work, it is truly too blessed!” He further explained, “Sharing in the Lord’s work is working together with the Lord. We need to mature in life, and be one with the Lord. No matter where we go, we need to make every congregation sprout in every saint in order to produce and build the Body of Christ.
“When we prepare for His coming in the light of the Lord’s return, we need to see that we are His bride. We need to love Him, seek Him, wait for Him, and even urge His return.” He mentions the six stages of experience in the Song of Songs, each stage and spiritual principle is contained in the first stage, that is, we need to be attracted by Christ to pursue Him to be satisfied.
He then slowed down his speaking speed and said softly, “I am only a sinner under grace, with no strength or power of myself; my whole life is of His grace—we all need to realize this, as Song of Songs 8:5 (Recovery Version) says, “Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?” The bride (we) lean upon her beloved (Christ), on the one hand because of the dealing with our natural being, and on the other hand because of our finding out our inability. He exhorted that when we are weak, we need to lean on the Lord more, to seek His word, and to listen to Him. Day by day to be attracted to pursue Christ for our satisfaction. This is the focus of our growth, and only this can make us experience Him deeper and deeper.
He also cited a verse in Song of Songs which he liked very much, saying, “O thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken for thy voice: cause me to hear it” (Song of Songs 8:13, Recovery Version). He said with feelings, “Over these years I have been much impressed by this verse. I asked the Lord, ‘What should be the characteristics of us before Your coming back?’ Through this word the Lord gives me the sense: we should be extremely thirsty to hear Him!”
Therefore, he often prayed to the Lord, “Lord! May You cause me to hear!” He encouraged at the end, “Our life is in the Lord’s teaching; our work is in the Lord’s command; our whole life is bound up with His speaking. A day without the Lord’s speaking is void. We all have to pursue Him, listen to Him!”
Christ, righteousness, crown, kingdom, reward
When releasing the fifth message in the traffic, Brother Chen Shih-fu mentioned, “To enjoy Christ as our kingdom reward, we must love the appearing of the Lord, that is, His present appearing to us and His presence with His people when He comes back the second time; this is by staying on the narrow way, by being alert in life, and by being faithful in service, so that we may be constituted the New Jerusalem as the Bride of Christ.” Brother Chen quoted 2 Timothy 4:7-8 (Recovery Version), “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me at that day: and not to me only, but also to all those who love his appearing” again. He pointed out five important points for the saints to pay attention to: Christ, righteousness, crown, kingdom, reward.
“These are very important words mentioned frequently in the Bible, which we all need to pay special attention to. From the day we were saved, until the day we are no longer here, or until the Lord comes while we are still living, we are all in this race, with the goal of obtaining the crown of righteousness. I have a heavy burden today, not to say peace, happiness, and congratulations, but to hope that each one of us would have a fervent desire and goal to obtain the glorious crown.”
Furthermore, when speaking of the crown, Brother Chen went on to say with a heavy heart, “This crown is the prize for the overcomers. In the Bible there is a clear definition regarding the reward: salvation is by grace, but the reward is by works. The salvation by grace does not require any payment; you simply need to repent and turn to God, and life is yours through faith; but the reward is different from salvation, for this reward is for those who have experienced the organic salvation day by day, and who by works have reached the righteous requirements of God, in order to obtain the reward.”
Salvation and overcoming are also the two sides of Christ becoming the righteousness of believers—objective and subjective; they are also what Psalm 45:13-14 refers to as the two garments of the queen—the golden garment and the embroidered garment. Brother Chen encouraged the saints not only to put on the golden garment of salvation, but also to exercise to put on the embroidered garment of overcoming now. To put on the embroidered garment signifies that we need to undergo the work of the Holy Spirit’s transformation, by paying the price for Christ to be embroidered stitch by stitch into us, to become the wedding dress for our marriage supper.
Matthew 16:27 (Recovery Version) says, “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will render to every man according to his deeds.” In Revelation 22:12 (Recovery Version) the Lord says, “And behold, I am coming quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to his work.” He said that this is an encouragement to us, as well as a warning. We should pay attention to how we live our lives today. Our church life should not just be enjoyment and joy; we need to pay attention to our behavior and work, for we will be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ, and the Lord will render to every man according to his works, either good or evil—this is a very serious matter. “Salvation is by grace, but the reward is entirely a matter of righteousness. The One who gives the reward is a judge, which signifies that we will be tested, examined, and graded. If we have this kind of concept, we will know that Paul’s declaration in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 is not something to be taken lightly.”
To love Him with the finest love, the supreme love
Therefore, he appealed, “Today is the time for us to reject our soul-life; the coming age is the time for us to gain our soul-life. We need to love Him with the finest love, the supreme love, with 100%, with our whole heart, soul, and strength. Our love for the Lord should not be halfhearted or vague; our love for the Lord should be to the uttermost. When we love Him, we will lay everything on Him. Our daily living here is for Him to occupy and fill us completely. Only such a fine love is worthy of the Lord. We need to love Him to the extent that we want Him to appear to us, not be afraid of His coming again. The prayer we should have is, ‘Lord, may You come quickly!'”
After the conference, the conference hall was filled with scenes of the saints from around the world embracing and bidding each other farewell, and also taking photos on the platform. Many of the overseas saints, together with the saints from local churches in Taiwan, had lunch after the meal together and then went to visit the churches in central and southern Taiwan, as well as in the eastern part of the island. In fact, this international Chinese-speaking New Year’s mutual visitation conference has not yet ended. Lifting our heads to look, the weather outside the building had already changed from the bitter wintertime to being sunny and bright. It was as if the Lord had heard the united prayer of these 35,000 people during these two days to have Him come quickly, and with His gentle sunlight, He had branded His promise of gentleness and steadfastness in heaven on the bodies and hearts of every saint.
(Translated from Google Gemini)









他接着放缓声速,低声地说:「我不过是一个蒙恩的罪人 ,我没有什么刚强的,没有力量,我的一生全是祂的恩典—我们都需要认识这个,如同雅歌八章5节(恢复本圣经)所说的:「那从旷野上来,靠着她良人的是谁呢?」佳偶(我们)靠着她的良人(基督),一面是因为天然被对付,另一面是发现自己力不能胜。他勉励,当我们软弱的时候,我们需要更多依靠主、寻求主的话、并听祂的话。天天受吸引、追求基督以得满足。这是我们长大的重点,也唯有如此才能使我们越来越深地经历祂。

他并举出雅歌中一处他很喜欢的经节说:「你这住在园中的,我的同伴都要听你的声音,求你使我也得听见。」(恢复本圣经八章13节) 他若有所感地说:「 多年来我一直被这经节感动,我问主说:『在祢回来之前我们身上该有甚么特征呢? 』主借着这句话给我感觉是:我们要极其渴慕听祂!」


基督、公义、 冠冕、国度、赏赐

陈实弟兄释放交通第五篇信息时提到:「我们要享受基督作我们国度的赏赐,就必须爱主的显现,就是祂今天向我们的显现,以及祂第二次来时与祂子民的同在;这是借着留在狭路上,在生命上儆醒,在服事上忠信,好被构成基督的新妇」陈实弟兄再次引提摩太后书四章7-8 节(恢复本圣经):「那美好的仗我已经打过了,当跑的赛程我已经跑尽了,当守的信仰我已经守住了;从此以后,有公义的冠冕为我存留,就是主,那公义的审判者,在那日要赏赐我的;不但赏赐我,也赏赐凡爱祂显现的人。」点出五个圣徒需要注意的重点:基督、公义、 冠冕、国度、赏赐。






因此,他呼吁:「今天是我们弃绝我们魂生命的时候,来世就是我们得着我们魂生命的时候。我们要用最美的爱、最高的爱来爱祂,是100% 的,全心全魂全力地爱我们的主。我们爱主不要不绝对、马马虎虎,爱主就要爱到底。当我们爱祂的时候,就会将一切都摆在祂身上。我们在这里天天活着就是让祂来完全霸占并充满我们。唯有这样上好的爱,这才是配得主的。我们要爱祂到一个地步,要祂向我们显现,而不是怕祂再来的人。我们该有的祷告是:『主阿,愿祢快来!』」

