Christ as Our Righteousness on Both Sides
The queen’s first outfit, the “gold of Ophir,” (Ps.45:9b) is of gold thread woven in. (Ps.45:13b). The queen’s second outfit is an embroidered robe. (Ps.45:14a).
These correspond to Christ being our objective righteousness, causing us to be justified, (Rom.3:24,26); and Christ being worked into us “as embroidery” by the Spirit, and lived out by us (Phil.3:9) as our subjective righteousness, causing us to overcome.
The first robe is put around us for us to stand before God (Luke 15:22). This is the sinner entering the Holy of Holies by the blood of the atonement and through the veil, making us newly created. (Exo.26:37, 2 Cor.5:19, Rom.5:10, 2 Cor.5:17); The second robe is woven into our nature and embroidered into our being for us to stand before the King. This is the believer entering the Holiest of All through the torn veil, (Exo.26:31-35, Heb.9:3, Matt.27:51, Heb.10:20) living with God in their spirit (1 Cor.6:17), making them spiritual (1 Cor.2:15) in the Holiest of All. (2 Cor.5:20).
It is the first layer of covering of the church, showing forth the divine nature. (2 Pet.1:4); It is the second layer of covering for the church, signifying the church arrayed in the righteousness of the saints which she will take before the King Christ and which will meet His requirement, that Christ and the church may be married. (Rev.19:8, Matt.22:11-12).
To put on Christ as a robe is to enter into Him, which is Christ as our objective righteousness. (Luke 15:22, Jer.23:6, Isa.61:10, Zech.3:4); To eat Christ as the fatted calf is to receive Him into us (Luke 15:23) that He may become our subjective righteousness. (Phil.3:9, Rom.4:25, 1 Pet.2:24a, James 2:24, Matt.5:20). This is our wedding gown and our battle uniform. (Rev.19:8,14).
Today, by the grace of God through faith we have grace and salvation forever. (Eph.2:8, John 3:15-16,36, 5:24,6:47, 1 John 5:13); Based on the believers’ righteous living after salvation, in the future they will receive a reward according to God’s righteousness and enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matt.25:21,23, Phil.3:9,14, 1 Cor.3:8,14, 9:24, James 2:24, Heb.10:35).
When one turns to God and believes in Christ. (Acts 20:21); The believer needs to cooperate with the indwelling Christ to work out his own salvation. (Phil.2:12). This worked out salvation is our subjective righteousness, which needs us to experience Christ subjectively everyday and every moment.
By faith we receive Christ initially. (Gal.3:24, Acts 8:37); By love we live out Christ continuously. (Mark 12:30, Titus 3:15).
Partaking in the riches of God’s house (eating in the kingdom of God). (Luke 14:16, 15:23, Heb.9:15, cf. 2 Sam.9:13); Being invited to the Lamb’s wedding supper. (Rev.19:9, 17:14, Matt.22:2).
This is a fact we have in Christ. (1 Cor.1:30); This is an experience we have in our living in Christ. (1 John 2:27).
The objective righteousness is imputed to us legally by Christ. (Rom.5:10a,11a); The subjective righteousness is produced out of us organically by Christ. (Rom.5:10b,11b,17).
The objective righteousness is a matter of position, of legal aspect, which is accomplished by Christ Himself; When believer is justified by faith and saved, he has once for all received this righteousness forever. (Rom.10:4); The subjective righteousness is a matter of life, which is not accomplished by Christ in the flesh, but by the pneumatic Christ in the believers. (Gal.2:20a, John 14:17, 1 Cor.15:45b, Rom.8:9,11, 1 Cor.6:19).
(Translated from Google Gemini)