12 Points in Two Aspects of Christ as Our Righteousness 基督作为我们的义的两方面共有十二点

There are 12 points in two aspects of Christ as our righteousness:
The first garment (objective righteousness); the second garment (subjective righteousness)
1. Out of grace through faith; out of righteousness through works.
2. Satisfy the requirements of the righteous God; satisfy the requirements of the victorious Christ.
3. Sinners are justified before God; saints are approved before Christ.
4. To enable sinners to be saved; to enable believers to overcome.
5. Through the judicial redemption; through the organic salivation.
6. By believing into Christ; by magnifying Christ.
7. Christ lives in us; we live in Christ.
8. We become children of God’s family; we become the bride of the Lamb.
9. We are called to partake of the Father’s feast; chosen to partake of Christ’s wedding feast.
10. The righteousness we receive by faith; the righteousness we live out by love.
11. That we may be justified; that our whole being may be made righteousness.
12. That we may have eternal life; that we may receive the kingdom rewards.

1. 因信称义;因行为称义。
2. 满足公义神的要求;满足得胜基督的要求。
3. 罪人在神面前称义;圣徒在基督面前蒙悦纳。
4. 使罪人得救;使信徒得胜。
5. 借着法理的救赎;借着生机的救恩。
6. 借着信入基督;借着显大基督。
7. 基督住在我们里面;我们住在基督里面。
8. 我们成为神家的儿女;我们成为羔羊的新妇。
9. 我们被召有分父的筵席;被拣选有分基督的婚筵。
10. 我们因信所领受的义;我们因爱所活出的义。
11. 使我们称义;使我们全人成为义。
12. 使我们得永生;使我们得国度的赏赐。
(Translated from Google Gemini)