2023 Winter Full-time Training Graduation Meeting 全时间训练二○二三年冬季毕业聚会

The full-time training graduation gathering for the winter of 2023 was held on December 16 in the afternoon at the Taipei City Assembly’s Hall 3. This training class had a total of 38 graduates, 20 brothers and 18 sisters. On that day there were 1,018 saints gathered.
At the beginning of the gathering, the teaching brother quoted 1 Corinthians 1:9, and fellowshiped that God is faithful. For the past two years, they were called by God to enter into the training to enjoy Him, and God also faithfully removed idols, sins, the world, and the natural life, with Himself increasing and replacing them, so that they would love the Lord and love each other. Over these two years, they experienced returning home for training because of the pandemic, and after the pandemic they returned to the training, and also witnessed the Taiwan Gospel Full-time Training going to Africa for the first time—all of which are the Lord’s grace, produced and displayed. The teaching brother also exhorted the trainees to revisit the burden of the training: The Lord’s servant Witness Lee had said, “If the Lord delays in coming back, then a group of young people need to be raised up to continue the testimony and work of the second generation.” Brother Lee continued this burden and held this training, with the goal of perfecting young people to become normal, living, and functioning members in the Body of Christ. It is hoped that after they graduate from the training, they will still maintain this kind of living in the local churches.
Following this, the trainees presented two hymns. The first hymn, “Experiencing God—a Divine-Human Coordination,” spoke of God obtaining an organic Body on earth, to be His corporate expression, matched for eternity, causing God’s glory to be manifested among men. The second hymn was their original graduation hymn, “Glory! The Body Is Realized.” It spoke of the trainees seeing in their two years of training that the Lord has an urgent need: The reality of the Body of Christ must appear in the local churches before He can come back. For this reason, they are willing to offer themselves, regardless of the cost, to become members who can be coordinated with others for the practical appearing of the Body of Christ, to welcome the Lord back.
The trainees’ testimonies of grace were shared in three parts. First, in the aspect of the ministry and the truth, they saw that God’s unique ministry is to build up the Body of Christ, perfected through the perfecting of the saints. Through the Lord’s word they were governed by the vision, kept in the central line of the economy, and their love for the Bridegroom the Lord Jesus was stirred up. Therefore, they are willing to spend their whole lives being constituted by the divine truth through prayer, study, memorization, and speaking, receiving the entrustment of the stewardship, and carrying out the divine economy. Second, in the aspect of life, nature, and language, through looking away from oneself to Jesus, they were delivered from self-introspection, and deeply desired to not be in the natural life, but to reign in resurrection with everything they have and all they have gained, becoming a person who is steadfast and able to bear the entrustment. In language, in a traffic among the new people, they speak the heavenly new language. Third, in the aspect of service, the Body of Christ, and the will, they practiced paying attention to the outflow of life, and gladly being pruned so that they can serve in one Body. They realized the reality of the Body of Christ through practicing the living groups. Due to the constraint of the Lord’s love, they were fixed by the vision of the economy, and dedicated their whole lives to the practical appearing of the Body of Christ, to accomplish God’s New Testament economy, and to welcome the Lord’s return.
The trainees thanked their families, the elders, and the saints for their support, encouragement, and exemplary inspiration. They thanked their fellow trainees, for bearing one another in the changes, and for overcoming the various checkpoints with one another through prayer. They thanked the teaching and assistant brothers, for their selfless service and companionship over these two years. From their fellowship, the trainees received the supply of life, and their heart to serve the Lord was repeatedly strengthened. Two parents of the trainees testified for their children who attended the training. During the training, their children received all-around perfecting, being equipped in the truth and growing in life. When their families had needs, they could supply Christ at any time, sharing and praying with their families about the Christ they experienced and enjoyed. The trainees’ measure of service was also enlarged: they had the vision of the Body, and they were willing to deny themselves and submit to all the traffic of the Body.
At the end, the teaching brother exhorted the trainees to never forget the eight important points in Brother Lee’s parting words to the graduating trainees in 1995: It begins with God’s economy, which is the divine vision, and ends with the oneness of the Body, which is the divine building. It is hoped that the trainees will see the vision from heaven, and he blessed the graduating class: “May the abundant grace of the Lord be with you, from the day of your graduation until the day when the Lord appears to you as the Morning Star.”

The teaching brother also reminded the trainees that after their graduation, they need to be “good ministers of Christ Jesus,” and they do not need to have any new inventions or creations; they only need to “bring to remembrance” the things they learned during their two years of training, especially the eight great truths: the Triune God, Christ, the Spirit, the divine life, the church, the Body of Christ, the constitution of God and believers, and the New Jerusalem. They also need to speak forth these things. Not only have we been perfected, but we also need to continue to practice, and “bring these things to remembrance by way of reminding the brothers; this is a good minister of Christ Jesus.”(Translated from Google Gemini)
















